Questions for the UN and John Kerry

The UN has gone from global warming to climate change and now the Earth is boiling. 

U.N. chief Antonio Guterres warns Earth in ‘era of global boiling’

U.N. and European Union monitors said that July is set to be the hottest month in recorded history

Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning. The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.”

The extreme impacts of climate change have been in line with scientists’ “predictions and repeated warnings,” Guterres said, adding that the “only surprise is the speed of the change.”

It is obvious that these people have no ability to tell the truth when they falsely claim that their dire predictions have come true because July was warm. They pretend that they can tell this is the warmest in recorded history and warmer than it has been in over 120,000 years as if all the weather stations are in the same place.

Why wasn't LA, a huge city with millions of people, millions of cars, and lots of buildings and cement warm a month ago if all the things we are told cause warming actually do?

There weren't nightly news stories about how cool and comfortable coastal California cities were because those stories clearly wouldn't push the leftist agenda. 

LA's Streak of Temperatures Below 80 Degrees Reaches 60 Days

It's been unseasonably cool for the past two months, and its been historically pleasant in LA, according to the National Weather Service.

From May 1 to June 29, a 60-day stretch, the high temperature in downtown Los Angeles did not reach 80. It is the longest recorded streak of days with high temperatures below 80 during May and June in downtown Los Angeles since 1878.

The previous longest streak was 59 days from May 2 to June 29 in 1916.

Las Vegas didn't hit 100 until June 30th, the latest on record yet the media still doesn't question the talking points.

On the other hand, the Harry Reid Airport in Las Vegas typically hits 100 F by late May. The earliest 100 F day there was May 5, 2017. This year the weather station didn’t hit 100 F until June 30, the latest on record.

Or why did Antarctica have the coldest winter on record two years ago after 160 years of an exponential rise in crude oil and coal use?

Where were the nightly news stories touting the great success that Antarctica had set record cold temperatures? Where were the UN spokespeople?

Antarctica’s last 6 months were the coldest on record

For the entire Antarctic continent, the winter of 2021 was the second-coldest on record, with the “temperature for June, July, and August 3.4 degrees Celsius (6.1 degrees Fahrenheit) lower than the 1981 to 2010 average at -62.9 degrees Celsius (-81.2 degrees Fahrenheit),” according to a new report from the NSIDC.

In 2020. India, which has well over a billion people and uses lots of coal, set cold records. Yet, no daily reports in the media or comments from the UN.

India Cold Wave Breaks Records, Shuts Schools and Makes Bad Air Worse

Across the north, including New Delhi, plunging temperatures have caused a run on shelters in a region more used to extreme heat.

NEW DELHI — A brutal cold wave has swept northern India, blanketing streets in freezing fog, intensifying pollution, disrupting hundreds of flights and prompting school closures.

India’s capital, New Delhi, experienced its coldest day in December in 119 years on Monday, with the maximum temperature dipping below 49 degrees Fahrenheit (9.4 Celsius), about 20 degrees below the average for December. Last week, the city broke its longest cold spell in more than two decades, with 10 consecutive days of extreme weather.

In 2015, Great Britain had 40,000 excess deaths from the cold, so why weren't we told why the dire predictions of warming weren't true?

Winter death toll 'to exceed 40,000'

Campaigners say the figures are a "tragedy" and that more should be done to help vulnerable elderly people.’’

Why would the UN care so much about a little warming when so many more die from the cold?

Like other European countries, more people die in the UK in winter than in summer – but how many more? Each year since 1950, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has looked at excess winter mortality, which parts of the country have the highest numbers, how old the individuals were and what the average winter temperature was.

31,100 excess deaths

Excess winter mortality was 31,100 in England and Wales in 2012/13 – up 29% from the previous year.

While we rarely, if ever, get a headline about cold-related deaths, we get articles like this when a few people die from warming to scare the public into capitulation. 

At least a dozen people have died of heat-related causes in Texas and Louisiana as extreme temperatures continue to plague the country.

Republicans asked John Kerry about his use of a private jet and why he doesn't care about China's human rights abuse but they never ask the most important questions. They show that he is a hypocrite but that is not that important.

They never ask him to show scientific data that proves that humans and our use of natural resources cause warming, more severe storms and sea levels to rise.

Here is a sample of questions that they could ask:

  • Did a little ice age end in 1860?
  • Is it normal for the Earth to warm after a little ice age ends?
  • How did the Earth cool from 1940-1975 if all the things you say cause warming actually do?
  • The use of coal, oil, Natural gas, and other things you say cause warming have skyrocketed in the past 140 years, yet the temperatures have fluctuated. Doesn't that show that there is no direct correlation between our consumption of natural resources and temperature? Isn't it true that if you can't show a correlation, you can't conclude a causation?
  • Don't a lot more people die from cold weather vs. warm weather?
  • The oceans average over 12,000 feet deep and have only risen an estimated 9 inches in the past 140 years. Aren't there a lot of natural variables that would affect a minor change in ocean levels? How did you and others establish that humans and our natural resources are the cause of this miniscule rise?
  • Why didn't the previous dire predictions of the UN and others of the last several decades come true? Why should we believe the current dire predictions?
  • Why didn't the dire predictions of the 1970's come true that billions would die from the coming ice age?
  • Why didn't your predictions about Arctic ice come true? Why should we believe you now?

Kerry claims the Arctic will be ice-free by summer 2013

Sen. John Kerry says climate change is happening faster than we think.

 In an Aug. 31, 2009, op-ed in the Huffington Post, the Massachusetts Democrat wrote that the threat of climate change "is not an abstract concern for the future."
"It is already upon us and its effects are being felt worldwide, right now," he wrote. "Scientists project that the Arctic will be ice-free in the summer of 2013. Not in 2050, but four years from now.

  • Does buying a piece of paper representing a carbon credit actually do anything to reduce the emissions from a private jet or from your mansions?
  • What is the perfect temperature on the globe? How would that be determined since temperatures have fluctuated between warm and cool periods throughout our history?
  • Shouldn't government policies be based on actual scientific data instead of computer models that are easily manipulated before companies that produce countless products and have greatly improved our quality and length of life are destroyed?
  • Do you truly believe that you and other humans can control temperatures, sea levels and storm activity considering how many natural variables there are?

There are a huge number of questions that would show this is a scam. It is a shame that most Republicans go along and just want to slow the transition to inefficient, expensive electric machines powered by a highly flammable pollutant instead of stopping the destruction.

If the UN and Democrats truly cared about the poor, they would seek to modernize underdeveloped countries instead of seeking to destroy industries that use natural resources to produce so many products that have improved the quality and length of life for those who use them.

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