Newsom–DeSantis debate: Will it happen, and who stands to benefit?

During a Hannity segment last week, Ron DeSantis agreed to a televised debate with Gavin Newsom: "Absolutely, I'm game.  Just tell me when and where."

The belligerent Newsom has been desperately trying to distract the country from California's utter collapse by challenging Ron DeSantis to a debate.  The Florida governor, however, was not willing to elevate Newsom to the national conversation — until now.

Both governors stand to gain from the hyped up exhibition.  Governor DeSantis is having a hard time articulating his conservative message to the national audience, as his main opponent, Donald Trump, continues to suck all the air out of the political discourse.  Being hit by constant smears from the media and a childish barrage of insults from Trump, Governor DeSantis needs a big platform to accurately define his message for the independent voters.  Newsom is busy preparing for a presidential campaign of his own, as Joe Biden's physical challenges and corruption charges are mounting with each passing day.

As far as the country is concerned, Gavin Newsom is a clone of Joe Biden, only with better hairstyle and the physical capacity to climb a flight of stairs.  As for policy, Newsom's presidency would be indistinguishable from Biden's.  Incessant spending, leniency toward criminals, lax immigration enforcement, and identity politics have all been front and center of Newsom's political career.  And because Biden has utterly failed to sell the far-left model of governance to the American people, Democrats are looking for a more effective messenger.

Economically speaking, the debate between the two sides has already been settled.  Stringent lockdownsrampant crimedeteriorating educationan impending insurance crisis, and a constantly rising cost of living led to the largest population exodus California has ever seen.  Conversely, Ron DeSantis's effective governance made Florida the fastest growing state in the countrya magnet for businesses, and the most coveted tourism destination, despite plentiful (and ridiculous) "travel advisories."  Governor DeSantis's policies speak for themselves:

For decades in this country, people have beaten a path to California. It's a beautiful state, great topography, all kinds of diversity in terms of the different communities you can live in and yet they never lost population until their current governor took office. Now, they're hemorrhaging wealth. Now, they're hemorrhaging population.

Newsom's strategy, therefore, will be to convince viewers that Florida's economic success comes at a "high moral cost."  Smearing Ron DeSantis as "a hater of sexual minorities," an "immigrant smuggler," and "the enemy of education" has been the go-to media strategy for three years.  All of these narratives are abject lies, but Newsom is sure to try his best to capitalize on them.

At this point, it isn't clear if Newsom sincerely wants to have a public debate or he is pulling a "Kamala" stunt.  Either way, he needs to convince the Democrats that he has something to offer to the American voters besides the trail of chaos that California will suffer in his wake.  If Gavin does not do come up with something soon, he will be passed over for a more appealing candidate currently tending her garden on Martha's Vineyard.

Tanya Berlaga is a freelance writer, a translator, and a publisher.  She is a former contributor to Right Wire Report, The Liberty Loft, and The Free Speech Movement. 

Image: Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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