Joe Biden's bus to nowhere

It's amazing how Democrats tout certain green companies to the public, pump government billions into them, buy the stock, cash out the stock ... and then watch them go bust.

It happened with Solyndra under the Obama administration. Now it's happened with Proterra.

Seems the corrupt, impunity-laden Biden administration is no stranger to pump-and-dump stock schemes, which is what Fox News's Jesse Watters said was happening.

Here's Jesse Watters at Fox News explaining what was going on:

If so, it's pretty amazing stuff. Apparently these companies exist to benefit Democrats, to give them some of the cash stream that comes of these monster government spending bills that are done in the name of 'going green.' Without this government money, these green vessels wouldn't get out of the harbor.

Kamala Harris was in on this racket, too, singing the praises, literally, of "wheels going round and round" on buses at events to tout these Proterra vehicles:

Harris certainly likes this song, singing it here, too, though it's unknown if the campaign bus seen is a Proterra.

She touts electric buses in general here, as Democrats got rich:

Pete Buttigieg touted them, too.

And not only did the Biden administration seed the company Proterra with some $8 billion in federal funding, as Watters reported, it also seeded potential buyers of the Proterra bus with billions:

According to this video, it would cost $200 billion to electrify all of America's school buses. Seems Solterra had quite a market in front of it.

And yet, after all that money, both direct and with newly cash-up buyers, Proterra still could not make a go of it. Where did that money go?

Seems the investors have done fine. Anyone investing in such a company, so long as they sold before the lights-out, could make a killing. And surprise, surprise, Biden's cronies did. Watters cited sizable investments by Democrat moneybags donors such as George Soros, and Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm. There are undoubtedly others.

Given the money involved and the killings made, one wonders if these green companies, such as this bus company so loudly touted by the Bidenites, wasn't just a money vehicle for Democrats from the get-go. 

Given the repetition here -- from Solyndra to Proterra, this cries out for another congressional investigation. The corruption runs thick with the Biden White House and here's another slab of fat on that fire. How much did leftists make, and why is this 'redistribution' of taxpayer money to their pockets not a jailable offense?

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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