The splooting squirrel: a true picture of climate change alarmists

Climate change alarmists get more desperate every day. Small wonder when you consider that the first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 and all the gruesome predictions about the climate that came out about that time have failed to come true.

We were told that civilization would end by 2000, that the environmental crisis would make the earth uninhabitable, that hundreds of millions of people would starve to death by 1980, that nitrogen buildup would filter light out of the atmosphere and render land unusable, that fish would die and polar bears would drown, that rain forests would disappear, and there would be a new ice age in which gas stations would no longer have gas. None of those things have come to pass.

However, there is one prediction made in 2000 by Ronald Bailey, author of The End of Doom: Environmental Renewal in the Twenty-first Century, that did come to pass and ahead of the predicted time. Bailey predicted that, by Earth Day 2030, “There will be a disproportionately influential group of doomsters predicting that the future—and the present—never looked so bleak.”

Image: A splooting squirrel in Dehli in 2015 by Zakaul Haque. CC BY 4.0.

By the turn of the 21st century, the American people were already afflicted with climate grievance hustlers. It would be laughable to hear AOC tell us that the world has only twelve years left if she didn’t have so much influence in the world of politics. It would be beyond hysterically funny to see Greta Thunberg hiding from her prediction in 2018 that the world would end in five years if we didn’t stop using fossil fuels—except that this disturbed girl is worshiped all over the world in the church of climate change.

It’s worth noting that both these women enjoy very posh lives. AOC wears designer clothes worth more than I make in a month when she goes to functions where tickets cost more than I make in a year. She doesn’t pay for these things. She just gets them from people who adore her. Greta Thunberg travels the world in a luxury yacht because she refuses to fly. She didn’t work to earn the yacht. It’s just supplied to her with a crew. The crew flies to get to the yacht when Greta gets wanderlust, and they fly home when she’s done traveling. That’s a lot of carbon emissions to support Greta’s carbon-free traveling, but I digress.

Now, climate alarmists are warning that squirrels are “splooting” too much. Splooting is when an animal lies on its stomach with its legs kicked out, and the alarmists claim it’s because climate change is making the squirrels so hot they’re trying to cool off. That’s right. Relaxed squirrels are an indicator of impending doom.

Before you laugh too hard, I recommend you check out this video of a talk show host, John Oliver, demonstrating what he calls a representative climate debate (language warning):

It all looks rather like a lynch mob to me. It’s worth remembering that history has many examples, like the Salem witch hunts and the Holocaust, where the screaming mob was wrong, and the voices that were drowned out were correct.

Pandra Selivanov is the author of The Pardon, a story of forgiveness based on the thief on the cross in the Bible.

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