The press just can't stop propping up Democrats

I bet no one can recall when the media tried to help George Bush's and Donald Trump's poll numbers.

Nope, they continued their efforts to push them down because they always campaign for Democrats.

Here are a few examples of what the media do as they campaign for Biden:

They falsely repeat the claim that Biden inherited a disastrous economy and that his excellent economic policies turned it around. 

The truth is the economy collapsed for only two months, March and April 2020, due to a significant amount of misinformation from Dr. Anthony Fauci and CDC, which led to destructive government edicts.

By May, the economy, especially in red states, was coming back to life as states were getting rid of lockdowns and were reopening rapidly.  Job growth was coming back.

In February of 2020, at the beginning of the COVID pandemic, which led to all the lockdowns, seasonally adjusted nonfarm jobs were 152.4 million.

By the end of April, they were down to 130.4 million jobs, but by December 2020, they were up 12 million jobs to 142.4 million or 1.5 million jobs per month.

Under Biden, the lost jobs have come back, in addition to 3.8 million more jobs.  The economy was clearly expanding rapidly when Biden took office.

The denizens of the press falsely claim that the bad inflation was because of COVID and Russia instead of admitting that inflation was low when Biden took office and then skyrocketed with Biden's destructive monetary and energy policies, which involved a lot of handouts to both welfare slackers and green cronies long before Russia attacked Ukraine. 

They mostly ignore the disaster of the open border policies. 

They seek to destroy the Supreme Court for daring to block the dictatorial edict of Biden on student loan forgiveness, instead of admitting that that was a clear abuse of power. 

And every day, there are stories that blame humans, oil, and coal for causing fires, warming, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and droughts as they push Biden's radical green agenda to destroy companies that produce reasonably priced energy.

What these stories lack is scientific data that show any direct correlation, but facts haven't mattered for a long time. 

Then there is a great effort to hide the truth about Joe Biden's extensive involvement in Hunter and Jim Biden's massive kickback scheme no matter how much evidence they see. 

Here is a piece in the media by former labor secretary Robert Reich explaining how great things are.

Why aren't Americans happier about the economy?

Here is an analysis of  several talking points by Reich:

It's a Goldilocks economy — not too hot to spur inflation, not too cool to invite recession.

Last Thursday we learned that the US economy grew at an annualized 2% rate in the first quarter of this year. That's well above economists' expectations of around 1.4%.

He is right.  Slow growth does not spur inflation.  Disastrous policies such as government money-printing, and massive regulations, especially on energy, do. 

Reich also says this:

But if you haven't received this news, you're not alone. Good economic news doesn't make it through the negative sludge of Fox News or Newsmax. It barely gets through the mainstream media.

And of course, the only reason people don't know how great everything is going is because they listen to supposedly conservative news outlets; it can't be because they are struggling to make ends meet. 

What about inflation? Yes, Biden's stimulative spending did boost prices. But the big news that's not getting through to most Americans is that inflation has been dropping. It has declined significantly from its mid-2022 highs above 9%.

Consumer prices are now rising by about 4.9% annually — still a problem but not nearly the problem it was.

Statistical inflation was always going to slow down when the Federal Reserve started hiking rates in response to inflation, but prices are much higher than when Biden took office.  For example, crude oil was around $40 per barrel on the day he was elected and is around $73 today, or up over 75%, and energy prices affect everything.  I don't believe that many people have seen their wages rise 75%.

Much of the remaining inflation is due to outsized corporate profit margins.

And of course, Reich blames corporations instead of government money-printing and regulations for high inflation.  If anyone wants to see outsized profit margins, he should look at Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Facebook, which are all run by leftists.  Or perhaps he can check out government salaries and bureaucratic head counts.

So, the obvious question is, why are Americans feeling so bad about an economy that's actually damned good?

One reason, I think, is a general sense of dread — centering on Trump, DeSantis and Republican lawmakers in general — that seems to affect everything else. (I don't know about you, but I sometimes have difficulty getting to sleep, worried about the rise of authoritarian fascism in America.)

And then Reich blames Republicans for the bad feelings because they are so authoritarian.  You see, when Trump and others want to give people freedom of choice on health care, energy, schools, and enforced border laws Congress passed, that is authoritarian.  But when Democrats want to dictate what your health care policies are, what energy you use, what schools you go to, what the border looks like, and want taxpayers to pay off school loans, that is OK.  

Making a statement like that is pure propaganda to intentionally mislead the public.

Add in the effects of the climate crisis, and you get more gloom. (This week, the earth's average temperature reached the highest on record.) A recent study found that headlines have grown starkly more negative.

And then there is this: the media and other Democrats seek to scare people for decades that we are destroying the Earth and we must dramatically change our lives, without scientific data to support the destruction, and then Reich complains that people are gloomy.

How many people consider suicide because of the dire predictions that haven't been true so far?

It is no wonder that Democrats are whining so much that a judge has stopped them from communicating with social media companies.  They need as many outlets as possible to regurgitate their propaganda to push leftist policies or the public won't capitulate.

Image: Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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