The family can strike back

Realizing that the woke campaign against America targets the family for destruction as the chief vehicle for undermining America, it has become evident today that the American family needs a Frederick Remington Dash-for-the-Timber of reason and morality, wherein the family can fort up against the onslaught of the howling banshee of the woke and from which it can strike back against woke insanity.

"Forting up" means taking steps to protect the integrity of marriage and family.  In former days, it was held that love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage, but then the woke attack reduced love to lust and marriage to casual cohabitation, and then further reduced lust to the sexual perversion of homosexuality and transgenderism.

A friend recently related how an after-school conclave originally intended as a mere drinking party devolved into a life-changing event.  It seems four graduate students successfully enticed a revered philosophy professor to a Heidelberg bar and grill for an after-hours, off-campus symposium that grew into a seminar of life.

The first round induced relaxation.  The second round lubricated tongues.  By the end of the third round, everyone was addressing the professor by his first name, and by the end of the fourth round, the conversation had turned to love and marriage.

Image: The family strikes back.  Unknown creator.

"I just love being in love!" proclaimed Michaela.  "They say that falling in love is wonderful!" agreed Andrew, to which the professor added, "So they say!"  He then continued, "However, I hope you will not marry for love alone."

"Are you saying we should not marry for love?"

"No!  No!  No!" replied the professor, "You should marry for love — but not for love only."

As the four grad students stared at him in wide-eyed amazement, the professor continued, "Marriage is not based on love; marriage is based on justice!"

"Justice?" exclaimed all four in unison.

"Right!  Justice!" affirmed the professor.  "The purpose of the institution of marriage is the creation of a family, and the marriage itself is created by the exchange of vows at a wedding.  The fulfillment of these vows is the justice of marriage.  Although the initial passions of love may over time subside, the marriage and its family are preserved and protected by fidelity to the vows."

Promise-keeping is the fortification of marriage.

How, then, does the forted-up family strike back at the evil of wokism?  By teaching the children the true foundation of happiness.

Aristotle and Freud both wrote that all men desire happiness.  That desire is inherent in all of us.  The Declaration of Independence declaimed this in its affirmation that the pursuit of happiness is an endowment from the creator.

However, the path to happiness is not obvious.  Many mistake pleasure for happiness, and some of these find political power over other men to be the greatest pleasure.  This distortion is the engine of political history, giving us a long line of tyrants who scheme to reduce all men to their servitude, culminating today in the woke, the WEF, and all their colleagues.

And this illuminates how the forted-up family can strike back against the woke.  Simply put, parents can teach their children that happiness lies in the direction of marriage and family, promise-keeping, and justice.

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