The Bidens’ existential threats to the American rule of law

 Victor Davis Hanson, Hoover Institution Fellow, historian and iconic essayist, launches a condemnation of the Biden Administration’s abuse of power and weaponization of federal agencies to create a two-tier legal system in this American Greatness essay.

President Joe Biden, the Biden grifting conglomerate, the Department of Justice, and the FBI under its fourth consecutive weaponized director, are in danger of subverting the American system of law.

They are in various ways undermining the tradition of self-reported income tax computation and voluntary compliance.

Ironically, Hanson describes the IRS and the Tax code as a disinterested system of enforcements, apparently willing to ignore previous weaponization of the IRS and tax code during the Obama administration.  Of course the abuses of the IRS under Lois Lerner were just exaggerations of previous IRS misconduct. Like the DOJ and the FBI, the IRS has been a partisan political tool for the Federal Hegemon, picking targets and activities and persecuting those entities. 

Dr. Hanson says that a nonpartisan IRS is essential to reliable public compliance with the sometimes arbitrary and always onerous IRS tax code, and he avers:

Our tax institutions, of course, are based on the real deterrence of a disinterested, uncompromised Internal Revenue Service. Without it, the income revenues of the United States are existentially threatened.

So, as Hanson asserts, the IRS has become another tool of the deep state, focusing on enforcement of the tax code harshly against citizens in opposition to the Democrat regime while allowing a lax standard on elites, specifically elites that are Democrats. An unfair tax system is a threat to the entire American system of revenue collection because voluntary compliance is essential. Americans might become resisters, even with an extraordinary increase in IRS agents and weaponizing IRS enforcement officers.

So the Bidens, along with Attorney General Merrick Garland and the FBI, are treading on dangerous ground in imperiling a hallowed American tradition -- one vital to the very governance and operation of the United States, a voluntarily compliant citizenry.  As a thumb in the eye of those citizens, it appears that the criminal enterprise of the Biden family includes tax fraud in amounts of millions of unreported taxable foreign income by means of money laundering and deceitful shifts of money, paywalls, firewalls, and phony “loans” to ensure auditors would take years to unravel his illegal schemes -- until well after the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Then the IRS and the DOJ refuse to exercise their option to pursue enforcement beyond the 6 year Statute of tax fraud Limitations, even though the tax fraud was intentional and criminal.  It is so convenient that much of this money laundering and tax avoidance is now supposedly subject to the 6-year limit, but in fact the IRS and DOJ can extend enforcement and prosecution for intentional tax fraud. The tax fraud goes untouched because the feds have picked sides with the president’s son.

Joe Biden has serially lied that he did not know anything of his son’s business dealings in spite of evidence galore to the contrary that he was always the “big guy” who was a player and a beneficiary when he was vice president and even when he was president.

That assertion is contrary to photographic evidence of him with Hunter Biden’s business associates, sworn statements from at least one of Hunter Biden’s former business partners, clear evidence from Hunter’s own laptop, and now recent disclosures from FBI documents and whistleblower testimonies. And yet the President continues to lie, and the media continues to shrug that dads often do such things.

It is almost beyond belief, but increasingly likely, that Hunter Biden in the past conducted his illicit business over the phone in the presence, and with the complicity, of current president Joe Biden himself. And the full trove of evidence is still trickling in.

This sordid scenario is part of the larger Biden criminal landscape. Joe and Hunter may well have received $10 million from Chinese consortia for doing nothing other than monetizing Joe Biden’s Vice-Presidency and his apparent then trajectory to the presidency.

Hanson asserts that Merrick Garland has sidetracked and disarmed a full investigation of Hunter and President Joe, and he has defanged the full prosecution of Hunter Biden.  The Biden family’s dealings with China clearly compromise current foreign policy and security activities, and the issue is whether President Biden can function as president in his compromised state.

Again, all this will not, cannot, must not stand.

We can no longer have a United States if its President almost weekly demonstrably lies with impunity about his relationships with the Biden family’s nefarious foreign business interests.

This unfolding Biden melodrama has the potential to destroy the current presidency.

It will tarnish for generations the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the IRS.

And yet it will not die because the U.S. itself will not die, and so the scandal eventually will convict Joe, Hunter, and Jim Biden of serious felonies.

Finally, Hanson takes a swipe at the fully compliant and biased press that knew of the criminality and possible treasonous activities of Biden, which were unprecedented violations of his role as chief executive of the United States.  

John Dale Dunn MD JD is a retired emergency physician and inactive attorney in Brownwood, Texas

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