Conservative principles: A midyear review

As we find ourselves ensconced in the latter half of 2023, it behooves us, as United States citizens with freedom embedded within our DNA, to pause for a moment of introspection, a mid-year review of our Republic.  Our gaze is fixed on the upcoming presidential election, not as a political battleground, but as an affirmation of our shared values.  The focus, therefore, should not rest solely on the figurehead but on the principles we uphold.

Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court rendered two constitutionally correct decisions in the education arena, which serve to educate our future leaders not only in their chosen fields, but also in the virtues of hard work and personal responsibility.  The Court overturned affirmative action in college admissions and blocked student loan forgiveness, aptly dubbed a gift to "newly minted Democrats."  These judgments offer a potent lesson to the younger generation, inculcating in them an appreciation of the value of diligence and merit, and, perhaps, an understanding of the timeless values that the Republican Party has championed.

The principle of personal responsibility stands at the forefront of our concerns.  We assert that the individual, not the government, remains the most capable steward of personal life and liberty.  This conviction extends beyond the sphere of economic choice and permeates every facet of personal autonomy.  The freedom to make decisions, to make mistakes, and to learn from them is a fundamental right we seek to protect from undue governmental interference.

Our advocacy for limited government remains unwavering.  We envisage a government that serves its citizens by providing essential services, maintaining law and order, and safeguarding our freedoms but refrains from encroaching upon the private domain.  A government, in our view, should be the rule-maker, not a participant, in the marketplace of life.

We remain committed to the free market system, recognizing it as a mechanism of economic prosperity and a testament to the wisdom of voluntary exchanges unfettered by bureaucratic intervention.  The invisible hand of the market, guiding supply and demand, fosters a climate of innovation and competition, engendering a prosperity that benefits society at large.

Our belief in a robust national defense is unwavering.  We appreciate the vital role of our military and law enforcement in preserving our cherished freedoms and way of life.  A strong defense apparatus is a non-negotiable requisite for the preservation of domestic tranquility and the deterrence of external threats.

The issue of the ballooning national debt calls for renewed advocacy for fiscal responsibility.  The path to fiscal prudence may be strewn with hard choices and unpopular measures.  Nevertheless, it is a path we must traverse to safeguard our nation's future.  The longevity and prosperity of our Republic hinge on our ability to manage our national pursestrings with wisdom and restraint.

Lastly, we remain staunch defenders of our constitutional rights.  The right to bear arms, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion form the bedrock of a free society.  We are committed to upholding these hard-won liberties, resisting any attempts to encroach upon them.

Yes, we, the United States citizens with freedom embedded within our DNA, reaffirm our unwavering commitment to our foundational principles: personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, robust national defense, fiscal responsibility, and steadfast defense of our constitutional rights.  As we navigate the choppy waters of political change, these principles will serve as our compass, guiding us toward a future that cherishes and upholds the rights and freedoms of every citizen.

Jerry McGlothlin serves as the CEO of Special Guests, a premier publicity agency renowned for connecting high-profile guests — from Ed McMahon to Princess Fergie — with radio and television talk shows of all stripes, including such venerable programs as Oprah and The Today Show.  Beyond his executive role, Jerry applies his keen insights and adept communication skills as a freelance writer, contributing thought-provoking articles to a wide array of publications.  His pieces have found homes in diverse outlets, from USA Today to Israel National News and the Chicago Tribune.  Moreover, Jerry's writings have not only made the headlines, but also become the subject of them, prompting discussions in major publications including the Washington Post and the New York Times.  His dual roles as a publicity strategist and writer solidify his standing as a potent force in shaping dialogues and championing constitutionally grounded causes.

Image: Pexels.

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