Britney Griner and Hilton Hotels

This Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Las Vegas, part of the Hilton chain, has decided to decorate its hotel with a picture of Brittney Griner. Griner is a black, female basketball star married to another female woman.  As such she qualifies as especially worthy in the eyes of the Biden Administration and the Hilton company.

Grimes was arrested for bringing dope into Russia in her luggage. Clearly, she feels so entitled that she can flout other countries’ laws.  She was sent to prison, but the administration traded a Russian arms dealer for her.

While Biden was moving heaven and Earth to spring Grimes, a much more deserving imprisoned Wall Street Journal reporter, Evan Gershkovich, arrested on trumped up charges, continues to languish in a Russian prison.

A picture of Evan Gershkovich would have been more appropriate.

Photo of mural by author

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