VIDEO: We’ve reached peak racial Stockholm Syndrome

Stockholm Syndrome describes a captive who has formed a psychological bond with his captors. That term describes perfectly a white man, somewhere in America, who began weeping at the thought that his call to the police about a black man brandishing a weapon and threatening to kill him resulted in the black man’s arrest.

One thing that was clearly on display during the BLM riots in 2020 was that the people most fervently committed to BLM activism were white, especially white women. However, there were some very hysterical white men on the front lines as well, joining their emotional compatriots in screaming at the police. Watching the video below, one must wonder what this particular white man was doing in June 2020:

Since the man’s sobs make things a little hard to understand, here’s the transcript from mrcTV covering the last part of the interaction:

“If I thought you were going to arrest him, I wouldn’t have called,” the man said before beginning to sob. “I just want him to leave us alone.”

“I understand, but we have a job to do,” the officer responded.

“Now he’s going to think I’m doing this cause I’m white and he’s black,” the man said in a high-pitched voice while crying. “Or, he’s homeless and I’m not. I don’t want that.”

“But did he do what he did?” the officer asked.

“Yeah, but I don’t want him thinking I did it because he’s in whatever situation he’s in,” the man said weeping. “I just want him to leave us alone.”

“I doubt that,” the officer responded.

It’s noteworthy that, while the man was sobbing, the female officer whose body cam was recording the interaction was turned away from him. She was clearly embarrassed.

As noted above, this has all the appearance of Stockholm Syndrome. For years, the race hustlers have held weak-minded whites hostage. The message given to them is that their white skin means they are intrinsically evil. Their very existence marginalizes black people. If you’re a white person who is told this Big Lie often enough, you will no longer understand that you are worth protecting. In the same way, you will deny that the black person voluntarily engaging in evil acts (i.e., brandishing a knife and making death threats) is the real bad guy.

What this blinkered leftist didn’t realize is that the man who was arrested, had he not been arrested, might have gone on to do something horrible, such as murdering or raping someone. After all, both the Midrash Talmud and Adam Smith recognized that you must take a stand against evil lest it metastasize. According to the Midrash Talmud, “If you are kind to the cruel, you will end up being cruel to the kind.” Adam Smith said much the same: “Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.”

A society that values evil over goodness is a society in which evil will prosper. Usually, when we think about such a place, we imagine Batman’s Gotham, where grotesque criminals force weak people into handing them the levers of power. It turns out, though, that one can warp a society so spectacularly that it’s the weak fools who willingly grant power to the evil, and to hell with the consequences.

Image from a Twitter screen grab.

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