The FBI versus the Republican House

The House committee chaired by Representative Comer is in a showdown with the FBI over a document, and that document alleges pretty serious criminal charges.  My understanding is that the document alleges a pay-for-play scheme while President Biden was Vice President Biden.  And I strongly suspect that if it was happening then, there is a chance that it continues today.

I think Representative Comer should turn it up a notch.  As we learned during President Trump's term, the DOJ says that a sitting president cannot be prosecuted.  The proper remedy for a president accused of a high crime is impeachment.

I believe that is established by Article II Section 4 of the Constitution, and the House has clear jurisdiction.  Representative Comer should take it to the next level after finding FBI director Christopher Wray guilty of contempt of Congress.  I believe that he should press the case for the document and all investigative files on President Biden that could lead to an impeachment.

I think the courts will side with Congress on the issue of jurisdiction for this matter and that the proper investigative jurisdiction is with the House of Representatives.

The other avenue used against President Trump, over his tax returns, is to go to court requesting the documents for "legislative purpose."  The courts have been deferential to Congress for even questionable items of legislative purpose.  The Democrats said they needed President Trump's tax returns for "legislative purpose," and then they proceeded to release the returns almost immediately.  I do not recall any legislation or legislative actions related to the tax returns except for the release.

There are multiple angles of "legislative purpose" that could successfully be pursued, and I believe it only fitting that Republicans use against Biden case precedent established against President Trump.  Congress needs to determine if the Executive Branch was using American taxpayer money as bait in a pay-for-play personal enrichment scheme and propose oversight controls to prevent it from happening in the future.

I believe that the Constitution is on the side of the House of Representatives.  The real question is, does this Republican Congress have the will to follow through to get all the necessary documents to fully investigate President Biden and his activities as V.P. and as president?

Maker S. Mark (a pseudonym) is a patriot who can understand and explain advanced math and science and is worried about the state of the nation and how to solve the problems we face.  United we stand, divided we fall.

Image via Picryl.

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