That's the way that the law 'go'!

After Game 6 of the 2011 World Series, former Rangers manager Ron Washington tried to put a happy face on blowing a lead in the 9th, the 10th, and the game itself in the 11th.  He repeated that line about the strange things that happen on the field: "That's the way baseball go."  Yes, some things are hard to explain.

At times like these, I check with Professor Jonathan Turley.  He always gives it to us straight.  This is what the professor said of the arrangement with Hunter Biden:

There is reason to be suspicious. First, no one can explain why it took five years for the investigation of two minor tax counts and a gun allegation that could have been confirmed in a month.

Indeed, an IRS whistleblower alleged that Hunter was given preferential treatment and that the whistleblower's team was removed from further work on the case by the Justice Department.

Hunter also never faced any charges after videotaping himself engaged in interstate violations involving a host of prostitutes and drugs. That is now simply material for his scrapbook.

There is a glaring omission of any charge under the Foreign Agents Registration Act despite the Justice Department using this charge freely against associates of former President Donald Trump like Paul Manafort.

However, again, it would not take five years to establish this crime (which was done in little time with Manafort). Hunter seems to have been simply given a pass on what was likely the greatest concern for the White House.

The most notable omission is the failure of any apparent investigation into the expanding scandal surrounding the influence-peddling operation of the Biden family.

Yes, that's the way the law "go."

The problem here is twofold.  First, too many feel that some go to jail while others get probation.  Fair or unfair, that's how people feel.  I guess watching former secretary Clinton get away with a lot will make even the most idealistic of us a bit cynical.  Second, the media have lost credibility, and their coverage of the disgusting Russia-Trump episode has people turning off the TV sets or canceling their subscriptions.

There is a great cartoon going around where a defense lawyer tells the judge that his client will plead guilty if he can change his name to Biden.  It's very funny, but it bothers me because that's not supposed to happen in the U.S.

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Image: Pxfuel

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