Finally, a touch of comeuppance for Trump-hunter Adam Schiff

Finally, and this is stated without schadenfreude, the House of Representatives has censured Rep. Adam Schiff for, among other things, perpetuating the falsehood that President Donald J. Trump colluded with Russia — if by the partisan vote of 213-209.

A simple Google search reveals that Rep. Schiff made it a habit to claim to have evidence of Trump-Russia collusion — without supporting his assertions.  Here are two links to Schiff's many lies falsely alleging Trump-Russia collusion.

Here, now, is the third of eleven preambular paragraphs of H. Res 521, the resolution censuring the congressman from California's 30th Congressional District: 

Whereas, for years, Representative Schiff abused this trust by alleging he had evidence of collusion that, as is clear from reports by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, and Special Counsel Durham, never existed ...

Note the language of this paragraph: "the evidence of collusion [between Trump and Russia] never existed."

Schiff reportedly has asserted that he regards the resolution of censure as "a badge of honor."  This turns reality on its head.

Here is a link to the full text of H. Res 521.

The seventh preambular paragraph cites Schiff's denial that he had anything to do with the whistleblower's report leading to Impeachment I — falsely alleging that President Trump abused his power over Ukraine policy.  The egregious nature of the lie that is Impeachment I is made manifest, in a bizarre way, by the June 21 New York Times report that Hunter Biden will settle criminal charges against him without jail time.

This story included the following reference to Ukraine:

As president, Mr. Trump had long sought to tie Hunter Biden's business deals and personal troubles to his father. Mr. Trump's first impeachment had its roots in his efforts to persuade the Ukrainian government to help him show wrongdoing in Hunter Biden's work for Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, and while in the White House he pressured the Justice Department to investigate.

This assertion reflects anti-Trump speech.  The first impeachment had its roots in the desperation of House speaker Nancy Pelosi, assisted by Rep. Schiff, to draw attention away from indicia that the Bidens, father and son, were part of the corruption in Ukraine that, as vice president, Joe Biden had been tasked by President Obama to put an end to.

The New York Times, alas, continues its campaign to aid Democrats in smearing with untruths Mr. Trump and Republican officials.  Remarkably, the story on Hunter Biden's prison avoidance deal accused "Mr. Trump and Republicans on Capitol Hill" of promoting "broader international conspiracies."  Shades of Protocols of the Elders of Zion.  Fabrication of allegations.  Apparently, for The New York Times, as well as for Adam Schiff, bearing false witness is commendable in the political war against democracy and the two-party system.  Republicans on Capitol Hill, be warned.

Image: Adam Schiff.  Credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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