Audacity: Obama attacks Tim Scott

Hypocrisy runs in the mixed-race veins of Barack Obama.  He accused S.C. senator Tim Scott, who is black, of lacking legitimacy and credibility because he is a Republican.  As I point out in my book, The Rubbish Hauler's Wife versus Barack Obama, the former president was, is, and continues to be a fraud.

Tim Scott, gentleman that he is, responded: "Whenever the Democrats feel threatened, they pull out — drag out — the former president [Obama], have him make some negative comments about someone running, hoping that their numbers go down."

Obama said recently in an interview with David Axelrod that people, like Scott, fail to qualify their optimism of opportunities in America for ethnic minorities with "an honest accounting of our past and our present."

Why Obama feels he can attack Scott is beyond me.  Scott is actually a black man; Obama is not.  He was not the first black president because we have never had a black president.  Has everyone forgotten that his mother was white?  That makes Obama the first biracial president.

Scott was born in South Carolina.  His parents divorced when he was seven, leaving him and his brother to grow up in working-class poverty, along with their mother.  They moved into his maternal grandparents' house.  He was raised under the good influences of his grandfather and also a man who owned a nearby Chick-fil-A restaurant.   

Scott's life story is that of the American dream: work hard, and anyone can succeed — regardless of color.

Obama has no past with a black history.  He can't even identify with blacks and comes across as fraudulent when he attempts to.  He was raised in Hawaii, where the black population today is 1.88%.

Obama spent the first year of his life in Seattle, where his mother was going to school.  With the exception of the four years he lived with her in Indonesia, from age six to ten, he spent the time through his high school years in Hawaii living with his white grandparents.

When Obama was at the exclusive Punahou school in 1999, he wrote in an essay: "Hawaii's spirit of tolerance might not have been perfect or complete.  But it was — and is — real."  He was one of six black students in the K–12 school then.  Even his marijuana-smoking buddies, the Choom Gang, were white.

Obama's life story is 180 degrees opposite to Scott's, but Obama feels he has the right to talk about the black experience in America?  Obama has been handed everything his entire life and never even associated with blacks until he needed their votes.

When he went to college, his roommate at Occidental was Pakistani.  Obama has no honest accounting of a "black past or present."  The only thing Obama knows of black American is what pops up on a teleprompter.

Susan Daniels has been a licensed private investigator in the state of Ohio for thirty years and is president of Susan Daniels & Associates.  Her memoir, The Rubbish Hauler's Wife versus Barack Obama, is available at

Image: Trump White House.

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