Group demanding transparency for SCOTUS panics after accidentally being transparent

Gabe Roth, executive director for Fix the Court (a nonprofit on a mission to demand SCOTUS “transparency” and constitutional reform), mistakenly released his group’s own financial records…and he’s in an absolute frenzy. In his words, he “f***ed up”.

From the Washington Examiner:

…the organization [Fix the Court] is in disarray after unwittingly providing…unredacted copies of its own donors in 2021 and 2022.

When you visit the “Fix the Court” homepage, you’re met with a “latest news” piece with a headline (in big bold letters) that reads, “Moral Ineptitude” — well, maybe “administrative ineptitude” might be more appropriate?

This all started on Tuesday, when the Washington Examiner contacted Fix the Court to inquire as to why there was an apparent error regarding reported donations. Roth responded the following day, noting that he “misunderstood filing instructions” and in turn, dispatched entirely unredacted financial disclosures to the news outlet — some might call this “financial transparency.”

Upon realizing his mistake, Roth followed up:

‘I mean, basically, I've tried to donate money; I have failed,’ Roth added. ‘I tried to raise money; I have failed. I have only two foundations that give me money, and if their names become public, they're never going to talk to me again, and Fix the Court is over. My screwup this morning probably cost me my job.’

The group advertises itself as a nonpartisan venture, but particularly highlights its work with “Republicans” and “conservatives” ; from their website:

Since its founding in 2014, Fix the Court has joined forces with individuals and organizations across the country and across the political spectrum. We’ve co-hosted events with the conservative Federalist Society and the liberal American Constitution Society at two dozen law schools, and we’ve hired advisers with varied backgrounds, including a former chief of staff to the House Republican Whip and a former national labor organizer.

Each week, we work with Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives, libertarians and independents, to advance policies that will open up the federal judiciary.

So why is Roth so hysterical about the identities of his donors being made public? Well, because the guy demanding openness isn’t being so open! Fix the Court’s largest donors include the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund — both of these foundations are funded by billionaire leftists — as well as the Lebowitz-Aberly Family Foundation, and the Weinberg McCann Foundation. Interestingly, “Weinberg” is for Gabriel Weinberg, the creator of the search engine DuckDuckGo; does it now make sense why DuckDuckGo joined Google and Bing in censoring information on the current round of Russo-Ukrainian conflict? (Unsurprisingly, at least three of the four above-mentioned donor foundations are violently pro-abortion, which explains Fix the Court’s smears against Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Brett Kavanaugh.)

Fix the Court launched in 2014, with this message:

They’ve told us where we can pray, picked our President, allowed billionaires to buy elections and made choices of life and death.

Nine judges appointed for life to a court that makes its own rules and has disdain for openness and transparency.

The Supreme Court – America’s most powerful, least accountable government institution…

Ironic, is it not?

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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