American Thinker Blog

May 31, 2023
WaPo columnist lies through her teeth and says Joe Biden has 'underrated deal-making prowess'
Jack Hellner
May 31, 2023
One by one, the ball players are coming out against that Dodgers plan to lionize the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Monica Showalter
May 31, 2023
'Menstrual Equity for All Act' to end 'period poverty' brought back before Congress
Olivia Murray
May 31, 2023
ABC television network devoting two prime-time hours to 1619 Project 'documentary' arguing for slavery reparations
Thomas Lifson
May 31, 2023
Remembering an underrated Clint Eastwood classic on his 93rd birthday
Rajan Laad
May 31, 2023
Bud Light sales decline 'accelerating' — parent company shares fell nearly another 5% in worst day yet on Wall Street
Thomas Lifson
May 31, 2023
Rolling Stone commiserates over the 'furries' who 'felt pressured' to ban children from fetish conference
Olivia Murray
May 31, 2023
In California, it's kill the goats, keep the union hogs happy
Monica Showalter
May 31, 2023
Making QAnon scary again
Douglas Schwartz
May 31, 2023
Congressional spendaholics must be stopped
Jan MacMichael
May 31, 2023
Crime hits home for Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson: Brutal murder across the street from his house
Thomas Lifson
May 31, 2023
Was it something I said? Nicolás Maduro blocks me on Twitter after that last blog post about him
Monica Showalter
May 31, 2023
No, a 'Fair Tax' is not a good idea
Jack Hellner
May 31, 2023
CNN: Apologists for terror
Robyn Dolgin
May 31, 2023
'Broadway Joe' turns 80
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 30, 2023
Stunning poll on COVID vaccine-refusers and Ukraine war
Thomas Lifson
May 30, 2023
Moscow drone attack: Has Ukraine finally taken the war to Russia?
Monica Showalter
May 30, 2023
Fourth Reich disseminates ominous new report on ‘environmental policy’
Olivia Murray
May 30, 2023
Chick-fil-A CEO ‘shines’ a man’s shoes as grand gesture of ‘racial’ reconciliation then freezes up when asked for company shares instead
Olivia Murray
May 30, 2023
'Debt default' and 'government spending' are misdirection
Jay Davidson
May 30, 2023
Two sobering observations after Memorial Day
Mark Landsbaum
May 30, 2023
'Vomitivo': Brazil's Lula hails and welcomes Venezuela's Maduro, calling him just a victim of bad press
Monica Showalter
May 30, 2023
Debunking the lie that corruption is an immutable trait of lighter-skinned folk
Joe Strader
May 30, 2023
Climate activists were in for a surprise after they tried to hurl orange powder at London's famed flower show
Monica Showalter
May 30, 2023
People are now fed up with obnoxious climate protest disruptors — and fighting back
Thomas Lifson
May 30, 2023
Is Michelle Obama going to replace Senator Feinstein to jump-start a presidential run?
D. Parker
May 30, 2023
Dylan Mulvaney, after wrecking Bud Light, announces, 'I may be a little bit romantically interested in women'
Thomas Lifson
May 30, 2023
June: Pride Month becoming Shame Month?
Nick Lopez
May 30, 2023
WaPo announces 'a debt ceiling' doesn't 'make sense'
Jack Hellner
May 30, 2023
Good day for 'la derecha' in Spain
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 30, 2023
Catholic pro-life dad's home raided, and he faced 11 years in prison
Eric Utter
May 29, 2023
Just in time for Memorial Day, Hanoi Jane is back from the dead
Olivia Murray
May 29, 2023
Liz Cheney booed by grads who turned their chairs backwards at Colorado college commencement
Monica Showalter
May 29, 2023
Arrest of Chicago 'Peacekeeper' police substitute demonstrates the folly of 'defund the police'
Thomas Lifson
May 29, 2023
New York Times reviewer bemoans absence of 'kink' in Disney children's movie
Monica Showalter
May 29, 2023
ErdoДџan's daughter boasts: Islam will 'break the Western cross'
Raymond Ibrahim
May 29, 2023
Utilities may not be able to provide electricity to the all-electric homes
Mick Rich
May 29, 2023
Bud Light rebate is paying customers a profit to take their beer out of stores
Thomas Lifson
May 29, 2023
Durham bull
Allan J. Favish
May 29, 2023
IRS commissioner says IRS follows direction of Justice Department
Eric Utter
May 29, 2023
Sing a song to real woman power!
Ethel C. Fenig
May 29, 2023
Trump and Republican unity
David Zukerman
May 29, 2023
A commander-in-chief honors the fallen
Anony Mee
May 29, 2023
Honor those who died to make us free
James Poplar
May 29, 2023
A thought about Memorial Day
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 28, 2023
President Trump’s campaign team gets it right and releases ‘Ron DeSalesTax’ ad
Jack Hellner
May 28, 2023
Kevin McCarthy, Winning
Monica Showalter
May 28, 2023
Target has made a lot of enemies this week, but only one side stooped to terrorism
Olivia Murray
May 28, 2023
Turns out Bill Gates's Russian paramour was also pals with Russian agent Anna Chapman
Monica Showalter
May 28, 2023
Oopsie! Advertisement posted to an online marketplace reeks of a government blunder
Olivia Murray
May 28, 2023
Stabbing, shots fired, and 50 people brawl as ‘Somali Culture Night’ held at high school in Minneapolis
Thomas Lifson
May 28, 2023
Elon Musk withdraws Twitter from European Union’s ‘voluntary Code of Practice on online disinformation’
Thomas Lifson
May 28, 2023
State Farm will no longer write new property insurance in California
Eric Utter
May 28, 2023
Feds decide depriving schoolkids of pornography creates ‘hostile environment’ and may violate their civil rights
Eric Utter
May 28, 2023
Some reflections on the Stewart Rhodes 18-year prison sentence
David Zukerman
May 28, 2023
The rise of the despotocracy
John Dale Dunn
May 28, 2023
Target shows the blueprint to beat the left
D. Parker
May 28, 2023
What to do with Joe Biden?
Mark C. Ross
May 28, 2023
Israel's government too tame for comfort
Adina Kutnicki
May 28, 2023
'Clarice's Pieces' will return June 11
Thomas Lifson
May 27, 2023
One more thing for Gavin Newsom to be embarrassed about
Monica Showalter
May 27, 2023
CatholicVote launches $1-million boycotting campaign in response to LA Dodgers betrayal
Anthony Gonzalez
May 27, 2023
Rachel Maddow and Jamie Raskin agree to headline for a group in bed with GOP interests
Olivia Murray
May 27, 2023
Warner Bros quietly dumps BLM co-founder Patrice Cullors from big-dollar content deal
Monica Showalter
May 27, 2023
How to cancel Woke U
Walter E. Block
May 27, 2023
As Biden bugs out of town during debt ceiling negotiations, Karine Jean-Pierre struggles to justify it and snaps at reporters
Thomas Lifson
May 27, 2023
LA Dodgers kinkfest with the anti-Catholic degenerates spotlights one certain freak
Olivia Murray
May 27, 2023
CBS News suddenly turns against Biden — a sign that he is being pressured to drop his re-election plans?
Thomas Lifson
May 27, 2023
Reuters restores link to 2007 story on Target Che Guevara CD boycott
Monica Showalter
May 27, 2023
It's primary season again!
Don Ruthig
May 27, 2023
Dashcam video of stolen Jeep on 100 MPH joy ride through Chicago shows how thieves get their jollies
Thomas Lifson
May 27, 2023
NO to Susie Gelman as US ambassador to Israel
Barry Shaw
May 27, 2023
A world built by Abel, not by Cain
Joanna Rosamond
May 27, 2023
Maybe we should do the 'persona non grata' thing with AMLO
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 27, 2023
A racist institution that truly deserves to be renamed: The 'Democratic' Party
Michael Bertolone
May 26, 2023
Was the Durham Report a distraction to cover up something even worse?
Maker S. Mark
May 26, 2023
Fact-check needed: Dementia Joe declares that ‘guns remain the number one killer of children in America’
Olivia Murray
May 26, 2023
Now the California state senate plans to 'honor' the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence?
Monica Showalter
May 26, 2023
Liz Cheney's pious intonations about J6 smacked down as flamin' hot hypocrisy
Monica Showalter
May 26, 2023
WaPo writers peacock as deep-thinking investigative journalists...and fool no one
Jack Hellner
May 26, 2023
Debt ceiling debate reframed: Chic 'brown' people take on the old 'gray' burdens
Olivia Murray
May 26, 2023
What do search engines want to show you?
Nick Lopez
May 26, 2023
City Council bedlam: Somali 'culture' takes Minneapolis by storm
Raymond Ibrahim
May 26, 2023
18 years for J6er, wrist slap for wannabe Nazi assassin
Jack Cashill
May 26, 2023
TDS surging again, must be addressed
Eric Utter
May 26, 2023
A solution for the California reparations problem
Bill Hansmann
May 26, 2023
Government by slush fund
Publius Tullius Senex
May 26, 2023
Gov. Newsom claims 'There is a systematic attack on the gay community' while defending Target
Eric Utter
May 26, 2023
Eric get angry, Eric get mad
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 26, 2023
DeSantis announces run for president, check out President Trump's responses
Anthony Gonzalez
May 25, 2023
London Breed holds presser in SF junkie nest to denounce fentanyl, gets chased out by violent, screaming mob
Monica Showalter
May 25, 2023
Gallup poll reveals that Tucker Carlson is (by far) America’s most credible ‘public individual’
Olivia Murray
May 25, 2023
John Bolton the war hawk braggart ridicules President Trump for his America First foreign policy
Jack Hellner
May 25, 2023
'Special assistant' to John Fetterman brags about media 'puppets' and the senator's duplicity
Olivia Murray
May 25, 2023
‘Anti-Black Racism’ course to be required for UConn graduation…for the ‘collective good’ of course
Olivia Murray
May 25, 2023
COVID response still causing chaos at Arlington Cemetery
Greg Maresca
May 25, 2023
Ready to ride the crazy train? Take a gander at some of the media's DeSantis-Twitter headlines
Monica Showalter
May 25, 2023
NY governor Hochul floats idea of housing illegals in dorms at state universities
Thomas Lifson
May 25, 2023
DeSantis finally launches his campaign, and Trump and the MSM attack
Peter Barry Chowka
May 25, 2023
Ron DeSantis campaign crashes on the runway during takeoff
Rajan Laad
May 25, 2023
The Republican presidential candidates must unite in defense of fairness for the Jan. 6 political prisoners — and one another
David Zukerman
May 25, 2023
The Biden admin, with the help of the complicit media, sure pretends a lot
Jack Hellner
May 25, 2023
Can democracy be saved?
Burton Abrams
May 25, 2023
The North Carolina governor who cried 'emergency'
Nancy Andersen
May 25, 2023
The Babe hit #714 and then said goodbye
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 24, 2023
It’s the economists, stupid
Robert Arvay
May 24, 2023
Biden’s potential new ambassador to Israel views its founding as a ‘catastrophe’
Andrea Widburg
May 24, 2023
BLM deeply in the red, but still has cash to pay its execs millions
Monica Showalter
May 24, 2023
Donald Trump: Action Hero?
Rajan Laad
May 24, 2023
Los Angeles archdiocese wakes up and smells the coffee after Dodgers cave in to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Monica Showalter
May 24, 2023
Target in a panic over LGBT merchandise outraging customers —reports
Monica Showalter
May 24, 2023
Biden’s former nuke waste chief, non-binary Sam Brinton, finally to see the inside of a slammer
Thomas Lifson
May 24, 2023
California Reparations Task Force member: 'Let's just chill and pay your bill. Your sin bill'
Thomas Lifson
May 24, 2023
Too many Republicans cave to radical leftist policies because they crave temporary adulation from the media and other Democrats
Jack Hellner
May 24, 2023
How electric car propaganda preys on the disabled
Melissa Ortiz
May 24, 2023
Professor who cursed students and destroyed pro-life display fired only after threatening the life of a reporter
Thomas Lifson
May 24, 2023
Democrat North Carolina governor declares 'state of emergency' over school choice legislation
Eric Utter
May 24, 2023
Voting age: 25 is the new 18
Noel S. Williams
May 24, 2023
Hit the road, AMLO, and don't you come back no more
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 24, 2023
Why is the NAACP against Black people succeeding?
Ethel C. Fenig
May 23, 2023
Justice Gorsuch’s role in Fox News’s transgender madness
Andrea Widburg
May 23, 2023
When it comes to illegal aliens, the left insists that we can’t just ‘round them up’
Bob Parks
May 23, 2023
The easy way to identify the Loony Left
Ed Sherdlu
May 23, 2023
The L.A. Dodgers bow down to the ‘transgender’ crowd
Andrea Widburg
May 23, 2023
Obama torpedoed U.S. relations with Russia -- to perpetuate lies about Trump, Durham report found
Monica Showalter
May 23, 2023
Bombing a Jewish kindergarten isn't 'retaliatory'
Michael Berenhaus
May 23, 2023
Agenda journalism? Check out the LA Times' gushy puff piece on Mexican gay cowboys
Monica Showalter
May 23, 2023
DeSantis is right on Disney
Russ McSwain
May 23, 2023
Trump super-PAC has already spent more money attacking DeSantis than spent on backing GOP candidates in the 2022 midterms
Thomas Lifson
May 23, 2023
Thanks, Joe: Biden's price cap on drugs is bringing shortages —medical expert
Monica Showalter
May 23, 2023
On global warming, so many problems with the data
Jack Hellner
May 23, 2023
'Transgender woman' suing yoga studio for kicking 'her' out of the women’s locker room
Eric Utter
May 23, 2023
Durham and the truth
Bill Hansmann
May 23, 2023
Sen. Tim Scott officially throws his hat in the ring — and does an impressive interview on FOX News
Peter Barry Chowka
May 23, 2023
Before they get to Cruz
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 22, 2023
Observations from Sen. Tim Scott’s presidential candidacy announcement UPDATED
Andrea Widburg
May 22, 2023
The truly pornographic book in schools across America (NSFW)
Andrea Widburg
May 22, 2023
Overseas, China springs the debt trap on loans to a dozen countries
Thomas Lifson
May 22, 2023
Debt-ridden Chinese cities face brutal cutbacks
Thomas Lifson
May 22, 2023
New York City is quietly pulling up the drawbridge for illegals
Monica Showalter
May 22, 2023
Let’s celebrate American Patriot Pride Month
Robin M. Itzler
May 22, 2023
KT McFarland: FBI, DOJ, and CIA rigged the last 2 elections...and they will rig 2024
Thomas Lifson
May 22, 2023
The system failed, but which system?
Robert Arvay
May 22, 2023
OK, Dems. Let's apply the George Santos standard to everyone
David Zukerman
May 22, 2023
The greenie art vandals are back, this time targeting Rome's Trevi Fountain
Monica Showalter
May 22, 2023
The GOP can never win the ballot-harvesting game, so restore mail-in voting to a rare practice only when necessary by illness or absence
Thomas Lifson
May 22, 2023
Remembering Sherlock Holmes creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on the anniversary of his birth
Rajan Laad
May 22, 2023
Bilderberg Group meeting underway in Lisbon includes heads of ChatGPT creator OpenAI, Pfizer, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, and...Stacey Abrams
Thomas Lifson
May 22, 2023
Governor DeSantis: Control your inner Captain Ahab
Lynne Lechter
May 22, 2023
When those Mexico City volcanoes sound off
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 21, 2023
Chicago subway passengers subdue violent, threatening, apparently deranged half-naked man with ‘chokehold’ as security guards stand by
Thomas Lifson
May 21, 2023
Another 'mistake' in New York: Nearly a million registered voters become 'Democrats'
Monica Showalter
May 21, 2023
In the debt ceiling battle, Biden wants to erase a chunk of the Constitution
Andrea Widburg
May 21, 2023
Americans are becoming aware of problems with the Deep State
Andrea Widburg
May 21, 2023
A Nebraska legislator’s Two Minute Hate
Andrea Widburg
May 21, 2023
Beck and Levin provide a way to bring the Bidens to justice
Bill Hansmann
May 21, 2023
Dr. Malone: The vaccine-injured have been suppressed, demeaned and gaslit
Susan D. Harris
May 21, 2023
MSNBC labels Ron DeSantis ‘pro-white supremacy’
Thomas Lifson
May 21, 2023
Never-Trumps like Peggy Noonan 'can't handle the truth'
David Zukerman
May 21, 2023
Countering the counterrevolutionaries
Eric Utter
May 21, 2023
Drag queen summer camp?
Eric Utter
May 21, 2023
Moral and ethical confusion reign
Eric Utter
May 21, 2023
Gen Z Americans are now picking up English accents
Noel S. Williams
May 21, 2023
Oh, please don't stay by me, Dianne
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 21, 2023
Media trashes Supreme Court, then conducts poll to show it
Jack Hellner
May 20, 2023
When a leftist activist gets violent, Rep. Clay Higgins knows what to do
Andrea Widburg
May 20, 2023
New York City has a shoplifting problem, but kiosks aren’t going to stop it
Andrea Widburg
May 20, 2023
Off Europe’s coast, orcas are ganging up on boats
Andrea Widburg
May 20, 2023
Conservative student group hits COVID hard at University of Chicago
Matthew G. Andersson
May 20, 2023
Gavin Newsom's greenie dreams strangled in CaIlfornia's own red tape
Monica Showalter
May 20, 2023
Catch-and-release as usual at Joe Biden's open border; 70% of illegal crossers are getting in
Monica Showalter
May 20, 2023
So the Washington Post's Taylor Lorenz had her snoot in the Twitter trough, too?
Monica Showalter
May 20, 2023
Biden reverses himself, allowing F-16s to be sent to Ukraine
Thomas Lifson
May 20, 2023
Obama displays his trademark hypocrisy as he talks about banning Americans from owning firearms
Rajan Laad
May 20, 2023
Soros is a lifelong antisemite
James Lewis
May 20, 2023
7 years after Obama commuted his life sentence, Chicago man charged with shooting on an expressway leaving a woman 'brain dead'
Thomas Lifson
May 20, 2023
Northern Virginia's sinister woke mafia
James Stansbury
May 20, 2023
They still love America
Nick Lopez
May 20, 2023
Obama says that what worries him is when all the media don't repeat the same talking points
Jack Hellner
May 20, 2023
It was 121 years ago today
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 19, 2023
Turmoil and change in the air at FOX News
Peter Barry Chowka
May 19, 2023
Politico, a Democrat outlet, attacks Casey DeSantis, Ron's wife
Andrea Widburg
May 19, 2023
In Canada, many see poverty and homelessness as good reasons to die
Andrea Widburg
May 19, 2023
Democrat infighting reveals Dianne Feinstein's true health problems
Andrea Widburg
May 19, 2023
Catfight: Sotomayor mixes it up with Kagan in Supreme Court ruling on Warhol
Monica Showalter
May 19, 2023
Biden fails as the nation's Chief Citizen
Chris J. Krisinger
May 19, 2023
Caracas North: LA County sheriffs asked to show inspectors their gang tats
Monica Showalter
May 19, 2023
AOC's call for trucker boycott of Florida an embarrassing flop
Thomas Lifson
May 19, 2023
Disney fail: Company announces cancellation of two big projects as media pounce to falsely blame DeSantis for one
Thomas Lifson
May 19, 2023
Liam Neeson in Memory
Marion DS Dreyfus
May 19, 2023
Befuddled Paul Krugman should study Hanke's Annual Misery Index (HAMI)
Monica Showalter
May 19, 2023
Sam Brinton, ex-Biden nuclear waste top official, arrested as 'fugitive from justice' in third alleged airport luggage theft
Thomas Lifson
May 19, 2023
The Mexican press is talking fentanyl
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 19, 2023
The mental health crisis in today's kids: Who's to blame?
Sheri Few
May 19, 2023
The (undeclared) war on Christians
Eric Utter
May 18, 2023
Aggressive young men barging into random houses and threatening the occupants for social media ‘likes’
Olivia Murray
May 18, 2023
Starbucks goes full Bud Light in India with commercial promoting trans ideology
Thomas Lifson
May 18, 2023
Harry and Meghan cook up a new 'victim' narrative
Monica Showalter
May 18, 2023
Target offering ‘tuck-friendly’ bathing suits in child sizes and Adidas force-feeds softcore fetish porn
Olivia Murray
May 18, 2023
Why the FBI has so few whistleblowers
Monica Showalter
May 18, 2023
What Durham’s report avoided
Thomas Lifson
May 18, 2023
Group demanding transparency for SCOTUS panics after accidentally being transparent
Olivia Murray
May 18, 2023
We call them ‘mala mujer’ in Spanish
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 18, 2023
Fox News desperately needs new blood
Thomas Lifson
May 18, 2023
Is a major primetime schedule shakeup imminent at FOX News?
Peter Barry Chowka
May 18, 2023
GOP needs to get in the game on election process
Tim Jones
May 18, 2023
Daniel Cameron’s big moment
Frank Friday
May 18, 2023
Some misconceptions about Social Security
Dann E. Kroeger
May 18, 2023
The great debt ceiling hoax
Mark C. Ross
May 18, 2023
Portland wants to re-fund its police
Michael Letts
May 17, 2023
A fake ‘girl’ now markets a movie about a real girl’s coming of age
Andrea Widburg
May 17, 2023
On race, leftist white women are now being told to shut up and stand back
Andrea Widburg
May 17, 2023
Gavin Newsom’s latest initiative could be misused to curb free speech
Rajan Laad
May 17, 2023
Footage from an air raid shows Israelis’ mental health
Jerold Levoritz
May 17, 2023
Here is some scientific data that the UN, US government, the media and others won’t show the public
Jack Hellner
May 17, 2023
Do not allow Art Garfunkel to be written out of history
Douglas Flint
May 17, 2023
Michelle Obama is peddling sugary drinks that don't meet the nutrition standards she advocated as first lady
Thomas Lifson
May 17, 2023
Can we please stop using the term 'President Biden'?
James Mullin
May 17, 2023
What the Durham Report is really worth
David Zukerman
May 17, 2023
Is RFK Jr. moving to the left in his campaign for the Democrat presidential nomination?
Peter Barry Chowka
May 17, 2023
The Alberta blues
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 17, 2023
Florida: Where ESG goes to die
Chris Talgo
May 17, 2023
What the WHO has in store for us
Vic Hughes
May 17, 2023
Why would anyone believe these people can control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity forever?
Jack Hellner
May 17, 2023
The swamp is deep and the IRS crocodiles are hungry
Jack Hellner
May 16, 2023
An archeological find aligns with one of the seminal Old Testament stories
Andrea Widburg
May 16, 2023
We've won the culture war, but that's not enough
Ted Noel
May 16, 2023
When did the IRS actually scuttle the Hunter Biden investigation
Andrea Widburg
May 16, 2023
It sure looks like Michelle Obama is being pressured to run for president, forcing Biden out of the 2024 race
Thomas Lifson
May 16, 2023
Gutfeld: Durham lays the basis for questioning the 2020 election results
Susan D. Harris
May 16, 2023
Durham proved a vast conspiracy to deceive voters about Trump and Russia, but won't indict anyone, so media can bury the story
Thomas Lifson
May 16, 2023
Never forget the COVID fanatics
Trevor Thomas
May 16, 2023
German foreign policy is grotesque
Eva Kneifel
May 16, 2023
NeverTrumps, I hope you're happy
James L. Swofford
May 16, 2023
Why did CNN give Trump such a huge break?
Mark C. Ross
May 16, 2023
COVID's collateral damage
Henry F. Smith, Jr., M.D.
May 16, 2023
John Kerry would love for farmers to stop farming
Eric Utter
May 16, 2023
Madame VP finally mentions the border
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 16, 2023
Biden wants to kill electric power from natural gas
John M. Contino
May 16, 2023
David French hits a foul ball on Jordan Neely and 'rule of law' in New York
David Zukerman
May 15, 2023
Perfect: MSNBC uses white liberal guest to explain that Hispanics are becoming 'white supremacists'
Thomas Lifson
May 15, 2023
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's aide moves on to lead the Communist Party USA for the state of New York
Monica Showalter
May 15, 2023
Miller Lite’s ‘pro-woman’ commercial associates women with ‘$#!T’
Andrea Widburg
May 15, 2023
The Industrial Revolution has had a minimal effect on atmospheric CO2
Andrea Widburg
May 15, 2023
Biden administration is handing out ludicrous court dates for border invaders
Andrea Widburg
May 15, 2023
The federal government's Catch-22 strategy to cover up its spying on Sharyl Attkisson
Thomas Lifson
May 15, 2023
Netflix series Queen Cleopatra depicting the ancient monarch as black receives the lowest audience score in history
Thomas Lifson
May 15, 2023
Comer reveals that the informant on Biden corruption can't be located
Thomas Lifson
May 15, 2023
Afghan on terror watchlist crosses into the US illegally through Joe Biden's open borders
Monica Showalter
May 15, 2023
Howard University hands Biden an honorary degree for his 'analytical intellect'
Monica Showalter
May 15, 2023
Should Biden ackowledge his granddaughter Navy?
Eric Utter
May 15, 2023
How the 'new' law school rankings serve the DNC
Matthew G. Andersson
May 15, 2023
It depends what the definition of 'secure' is
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 15, 2023
Alvin Bragg to New Yorkers: Don't get involved
Civis Americanus
May 15, 2023
Spectral evidence against Trump
Clark Wren
May 14, 2023
Daniel Penny’s legal defense fund closing in on $1.5 million
Thomas Lifson
May 14, 2023
Joe Biden campaigns for black votes; best he can do is offer racial division, instead of jobs and prosperity
Monica Showalter
May 14, 2023
White House says border chaos is nothing compared to its Afghanistan chaos
Monica Showalter
May 14, 2023
Brawl breaks out between supporters of two rival Muslim candidates at Dem political convention in Minneapolis
Thomas Lifson
May 14, 2023
Ketanji Brown Jackson’s latest opinion respects an illegal alien’s pronouns
Andrea Widburg
May 14, 2023
Dave Chappelle takes on San Francisco’s physical and moral decay
Andrea Widburg
May 14, 2023
California Dems sowed the reparations wind and are reaping the whirlwind
Andrea Widburg
May 14, 2023
Trans tyranny in Chicago
Thomas Lifson
May 14, 2023
Trump cancels his Iowa rally… and DeSantis trolls him there
Thomas Lifson
May 14, 2023
When reality hits, it will hit hard
Robert Arvay
May 14, 2023
Corrupt influence: The Biden family vs. Clarence Thomas
David Kahn
May 14, 2023
Who are the real 'Involuntary Celibate Violent Extremists'?
Robert A. Bishop
May 14, 2023
Joe Biden needs a therapy dog
Noel S. Williams
May 14, 2023
Remember all of our favorite TV mothers
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 14, 2023
A new version of ‘twenty questions’ for a world gone mad
Eric Utter
May 13, 2023
A lot of red flags surround Linda Yaccarino, Elon Musk's new Twitter CEO
Andrea Widburg
May 13, 2023
Luxxle: Is this the search engine conservatives have been looking for?
Andrea Widburg
May 13, 2023
Illegals spreading scabies through buses, planes, Border Patrol source warns —report
Monica Showalter
May 13, 2023
Since when do illegal alien invaders get priority over needy Americans?
Thomas Lifson
May 13, 2023
Is righteous indignation all we get?
Terry Paulding
May 13, 2023
Alvin Bragg didn't trust a grand jury to indict Daniel Penny for the death of Jordan Neely
Thomas Lifson
May 13, 2023
Bud Light is the laser dot, and we're the cat
Nick Lopez
May 13, 2023
Quite a portrait: The New York Times and E. Jean Carroll
David Zukerman
May 13, 2023
The media have no clothes
Eric Utter
May 13, 2023
The demonic left's 'foot in the door'
M.B. Mathews
May 13, 2023
Soros-backed prosecutor Kim Gardner's out; now it's time to do better
Michael Letts
May 13, 2023
Let's avoid national blackouts
Mick Rich
May 13, 2023
The girl from Ipanema falls for Xi
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 13, 2023
Does the WSJ really believe that residential real estate in Illinois is a great opportunity to get a high return on the investment?
Jack Hellner
May 13, 2023
The age of manufactured crises
Blaine L. Pardoe
May 12, 2023
Parents have constitutional rights to raise their children
Wolf Howling
May 12, 2023
Alvin Bragg attacks self-defense by indicting Daniel Penny for Jordan Neely’s death
Andrea Widburg
May 12, 2023
Ready for leftists to wreck your neighborhood?
Bob Weir
May 12, 2023
With Biden AWOL on the border surge, courts and Congress get busy
Monica Showalter
May 12, 2023
Biden priority: Keeping photos of migrant overcrowding in detention out of the news —report
Monica Showalter
May 12, 2023
Who is lying about infanticide?
Jack Hellner
May 12, 2023
Success story: Legalized killing shot down in Maryland
Melissa Ortiz
May 12, 2023
Target selling new line of LGBT 'Pride' clothing for toddlers and infants
Eric Utter
May 12, 2023
CNN, Milgram, and Trump
Marion DS Dreyfus
May 12, 2023
CNN's brief ratings success with the Trump Town Hall
Peter Barry Chowka
May 12, 2023
What do reparations repair?
Robert Arvay
May 12, 2023
Why not a Kennedy/Carlson ticket?
Michael Bedar
May 12, 2023
Is a four-day school week a good idea?
Claire Hawks
May 12, 2023
Another Democrat war on consumers
Ron Ross
May 12, 2023
Argentina's saddest tango involves their current economy
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 11, 2023
Dems starting to discover that reparations demands are a political trap
Thomas Lifson
May 11, 2023
First it was your gas stove, now it's your dishwashing appliance
Olivia Murray
May 11, 2023
Tenured academic signals his belief in the sex binary, gets accused of 'serious misconduct'
Olivia Murray
May 11, 2023
BBC declares the world can be saved 'with the right policies'
Olivia Murray
May 11, 2023
Americans have a seriously messed up understanding of the debt ceiling
Dann E. Kroeger
May 11, 2023
The threat of Tucker Twitter to the progressive media oligopoly has got them scared
Thomas Lifson
May 11, 2023
Propaganda media doing their best to stonewall Comer's evidence of massive Biden corruption in the pay of foreign countries
Thomas Lifson
May 11, 2023
A few thoughts about the CNN town hall with Trump
Patricia McCarthy
May 11, 2023
Illegals in Tijuana using DoorDash as they await their chance to charge into the US
Monica Showalter
May 11, 2023
5/11 videos: Migrants surge into the US in record numbers
Monica Showalter
May 11, 2023
The runaway success of 'The Chosen' is starting to make heads spin in Hollywood
Monica Showalter
May 11, 2023
Is democracy really the best thing for Twitter?
Jacob Yusufov
May 11, 2023
Another month, another consumer price increase
Ethel C. Fenig
May 11, 2023
Balancing privacy and national security in the digital age
Himanshu Kumar Bhagat
May 11, 2023
The 'I' thing is not going away
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 10, 2023
The City of Berkeley is struggling with its slaveholding namesake
Andrea Widburg
May 10, 2023
Tucker Carlson announces his move
Peter Barry Chowka
May 10, 2023
The House GOP Oversight Committee explains the Biden family grift UPDATED
Andrea Widburg
May 10, 2023
The DHS is training Americans to spy on those who oppose leftism
Andrea Widburg
May 10, 2023
Joe Biden is importing Venezuelan thugs
Monica Showalter
May 10, 2023
Does E. Jean Carroll hate men or not?
David Zukerman
May 10, 2023
RFK Jr. breaks yet another taboo, this time with profound Second Amendment implications
Thomas Lifson
May 10, 2023
'70s Dirty Harry film predicted the identity politics insanity
Rajan Laad
May 10, 2023
NEPO babies and the Biden RICO gang
Lynne Lechter
May 10, 2023
President Trump returns to CNN tonight for the first time since 2016 in a live town hall from NH
Peter Barry Chowka
May 10, 2023
Tempered praise of signless houses
Michael Bedar
May 10, 2023
It seems that we are now a Stalinist nation
Patricia McCarthy
May 10, 2023
Inaction by leftist prosecutors is killing businesses
Jessica Curtis
May 10, 2023
Most of the media don't care about anything unless the story fits their radical leftist agenda
Jack Hellner
May 10, 2023
AMLO confirms that fentanyl is coming from China
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 9, 2023
Could Tucker himself be releasing those allegedly damning leaked videos?
Andrea Widburg
May 9, 2023
The Bay Area is sinking into the abyss
Andrea Widburg
May 9, 2023
Los Angeles area cop families file a very strong wrongful death suit against George Gascon in the deaths of two officers
Monica Showalter
May 9, 2023
John Kerry 'finds' his Vietnam War medals, pops them onto his suit at the UK coronation
Monica Showalter
May 9, 2023
A government at war...with itself
Mark C. Ross
May 9, 2023
You mean to tell me oceans affect icebergs?!
Jack Hellner
May 9, 2023
Advice from April 1940 for the House Judiciary Committee
David Zukerman
May 9, 2023
Media botched the Allen, TX shooter
Warren Beatty
May 9, 2023
FOX News's Hannity embraces (figuratively) RFK Jr.
Peter Barry Chowka
May 9, 2023
William P. Barr: Anti-Trump but not anti–Trump's policies
David Zukerman
May 9, 2023
Oklahoma governor vetoes funding for state's PBS TV stations
Thomas Lifson
May 9, 2023
SCOTUS should put the Chevron Doctrine on the ash heap of history
Chris Talgo
May 9, 2023
Trans-formed University
Lloyd Billingsley
May 9, 2023
A day without Tucker
Hallie Smith
May 9, 2023
Net Zero grid batteries alone would bankrupt America
Craig Rucker
May 8, 2023
60 Minutes whitewashes Joe Biden's open-borders child labor scandal
Monica Showalter
May 8, 2023
A constitutional amendment could help fix our broken border
Andrea Widburg
May 8, 2023
How do the British subjects like their new king?
Christopher Monckton of Brenchley
May 8, 2023
Democrats' policies: Help the poor and minorities, or just make them more dependent on the government?
Jack Hellner
May 8, 2023
The myth of systemic racism prevents black achievement in America
Pandra Selivanov
May 8, 2023
'Homicide' is the wrong cause of death for subway assailant Jordan Neely
John Dale Dunn, M.D.
May 8, 2023
Chile coming to its senses
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 8, 2023
Happy heavenly birthday, Don Rickles
Rajan Laad
May 8, 2023
Wall Street economist Mark Zandi of Moody's is a Democrat's dream
Jack Hellner
May 8, 2023
Comer to reveal evidence Wednesday on Biden family receiving money in exchange for policy
Thomas Lifson
May 8, 2023
Predictions of FOX News's post-Tucker ratings demise may be premature
Peter Barry Chowka
May 8, 2023
They also serve who stand their ground
Robert Arvay
May 8, 2023
We all work in a narco-submarine, narco-submarine...
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 8, 2023
Land of opportunity...but not for all
Melissa Ortiz
May 8, 2023
Democrats used conservatives' principles against them to capture institutions and attain possibly unassailable power
Eric Utter
May 7, 2023
How long before the Allen, Texas, mall shooting is memory-holed?
Andrea Widburg
May 7, 2023
Why gagging Tucker Carlson won’t work
Thomas Lifson
May 7, 2023
Gavin Newsom inadvertently highlights the left’s major intellectual blind spot
Andrea Widburg
May 7, 2023
Is Mexico's AMLO behind the million migrant surge into the U.S.?
Monica Showalter
May 7, 2023
Biden Administration waging pointless war on our comfort in the name of climate
Eric Utter
May 7, 2023
All proposed reparations plans are based on simplistic history
Helen Louise Herndon
May 7, 2023
Exposing a media propaganda campaign via graphical data
Thomas Lifson
May 7, 2023
Joe's Oil: Venezuela's state oil company admits its tankers are floating junk heaps and firetraps
Monica Showalter
May 7, 2023
Time for everyone to admit that Trump was right about Iran
Eva Kneifel
May 7, 2023
Mindless self-righteousness on the left
Clark Wren
May 7, 2023
Next year, Mexico would like Cinco de Mayo back
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 7, 2023
Welcome to Economic Fantasyland
Mark C. Ross
May 7, 2023
The staggering hypocrisy of Warren Buffett
Jack Hellner
May 7, 2023
Follow the science — to where?
Robert Arvay
May 6, 2023
Nefarious — The most interestingly subversive anti-woke movie you haven't seen or heard about
William Sullivan
May 6, 2023
A criminal case out of Ohio shows how far down the crazy road America has gone
Andrea Widburg
May 6, 2023
Terry Paulding
May 6, 2023
A leftist has a lightbulb moment about abortion
Andrea Widburg
May 6, 2023
Deputy secretary of energy can't answer Senator John Kennedy's climate questions
Jack Hellner
May 6, 2023
Justin Trudeau lectures his kid about 'sneaky misogynism'
Monica Showalter
May 6, 2023
Mayorkas gives illegal border crossers a stern warning
Monica Showalter
May 6, 2023
Soros fund in buyout of Vice media
Thomas Lifson
May 6, 2023
Was the Chicago mayor victory of radical leftist Brandon Johnson an inside job?
Thomas Lifson
May 6, 2023
Biden's handlers roll out the fighting version of an electoral scrapper
Thomas Lifson
May 6, 2023
The curious case of the Biden voters who 'somewhat disapprove' of him
Thomas Lifson
May 6, 2023
There are never enough regulations for progressives
Jack Hellner
May 6, 2023
Researchers developing non-invasive brain-computer interface that converts thoughts into text
Eric Utter
May 6, 2023
The commies of Colorado
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 5, 2023
A video from Fenway Park shows that Budweiser is in deep trouble
Andrea Widburg
May 5, 2023
Less than a week before 5/11 migrant rush, everything is going swimmingly
Monica Showalter
May 5, 2023
The New York Times and Washington Post betray their own Pentagon Papers principles
Monica Showalter
May 5, 2023
Echoes of Fauxcahontas Elizabeth Warren as fake Indian professor uncovered at Cal Berkeley, facing demands to resign
Thomas Lifson
May 5, 2023
The left will destroy America's youth to retain perpetual power
Andrea Widburg
May 5, 2023
Why has Tucker Carlson been so reticent?
Stephen Baskerville
May 5, 2023
Judge in Trump's 'hush money' trial engages in blatant dissimulation
Thomas Lifson
May 5, 2023
The real meaning of the SpaceX explosion
Benjamin Ayanian
May 5, 2023
The disastrous woke trend in Biden's military puts Americans at grave risk
Mark Landsbaum
May 5, 2023
Wonder why they call Robert Kennedy a ‘racista’
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 5, 2023
Biden's national cybersecurity strategy may be a disaster for private businesses
Julio Rivera
May 5, 2023
Why Russia invaded Ukraine
Jared Peterson
May 5, 2023
How to save America from itself
Barry Shaw
May 5, 2023
Cinco de Mayo: A consequence of French antisemitism
Mark C. Ross
May 5, 2023
These headlines could be from the Babylon Bee
Jack Hellner
May 4, 2023
Why the bombshell Joe Biden bribery allegation matters
Monica Showalter
May 4, 2023
Sonia Sotomayor failed to recuse herself from cases involving her largest (by far) benefactor
Olivia Murray
May 4, 2023
AI czar? Kamala Harris, reporting for duty
Monica Showalter
May 4, 2023
Biden's Navy taps a 'non-binary' enlisted transvestite to seduce new recruits
Olivia Murray
May 4, 2023
How do we know for sure that the Bidens are sinister?
Patricia McCarthy
May 4, 2023
Does the Murdoch family have a new preferred presidential candidate?
Thomas Lifson
May 4, 2023
Decoding the Utah law mandating pornographic websites verify their users' age
Rajan Laad
May 4, 2023
Biden needs Lilly's new Alzheimer's treatment
Noel S. Williams
May 4, 2023
The demise of fairness in women's sports
Robert E. Ryan III
May 4, 2023
Woman says 'odd' food choices indicated her child was transgender
Eric Utter
May 4, 2023
Democrats lack compassion for the powerless
Jack Hellner
May 4, 2023
When are Democrat voters going to wake up and hold their representatives accountable?
Tim Jones
May 4, 2023
Mother and daughter working for the Chinese yuan
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 4, 2023
Economics, politics, and war are all one thing
Robert Arvay
May 4, 2023
East Palestine derailment update
Bruce Thompson
May 3, 2023
The Tucker Carlson bidding war begins at $100 million
Thomas Lifson
May 3, 2023
A major medical publication argues for segregated classes in med school
Andrea Widburg
May 3, 2023
VIDEO: A mother reminds us that schools are pushing straight, as well as LGBTQ porn on students
Andrea Widburg
May 3, 2023
Bugs now served with teriyaki, chili-lime, and avocado salsa at elite U.K. private school
Monica Showalter
May 3, 2023
CA’s Santa Ana Unified School District pushes antisemitism on high school students
Andrea Widburg
May 3, 2023
The Babylon Bee can make even the FBI’s illegal domestic spying seem funny
Andrea Widburg
May 3, 2023
E. Jean Carroll's Trump-bashing
David Zukerman
May 3, 2023
Oropesa busted: Once again, it's the Border Patrol that catches the mass shooter
Monica Showalter
May 3, 2023
Washington Post covers up the role of bureaucrats in making the pandemic worse
Jack Hellner
May 3, 2023
Banks can get away with murder
Dann E. Kroeger
May 3, 2023
Never say never about executions
Michael Letts
May 3, 2023
Hollywood writers’ strike reveals further hypocrisy of showbiz 'elites'
Rajan Laad
May 3, 2023
A modest proposal to establish gender-affirming care and surgery for pets
Henry Clark
May 3, 2023
Where the boys are not
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 3, 2023
A Centralized Bank Digital Currency would harm our economy
Parker McCumber
May 2, 2023
Why the Bud Light disaster could cripple the entire company’s many brands for years
Thomas Lifson
May 2, 2023
Ireland is on the verge of enacting the most draconian anti-speech law in the West
Andrea Widburg
May 2, 2023
Asylum officers are deliberately misleading the public or don't understand the laws they apply
Matt O’Brien
May 2, 2023
Gordon Lightfoot, RIP
Monica Showalter
May 2, 2023
Debunking the vicious Democrat falsehood that Republicans banned To Kill a Mockingbird
Rajan Laad
May 2, 2023
What Jill Biden wants, Jill Biden gets
Monica Showalter
May 2, 2023
Leak campaign against Tucker Carlson begins with a misfire that damages Fox, not Carlson
Thomas Lifson
May 2, 2023
CNN's top-rated host takes on Fauci
Thomas Lifson
May 2, 2023
BLM student activist's lies destroy the life of fellow white student
Rajan Laad
May 2, 2023
Does anyone else have a problem fathoming woke clichés and edicts?
J.A. Frascino
May 2, 2023
Homeless people read code
Pamela Garber
May 2, 2023
In business, bigger is not better
Dann E. Kroeger
May 2, 2023
Lori to Greg: Stop in the name of whatever
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 2, 2023
Is Anthony Weiner going to expose himself to politics again?
Monica Showalter
May 2, 2023
Opting 'IN' for Mother's Day
Robin M. Itzler
May 1, 2023
A hard-left LGBTQ activist lets the cat out of the bag about kids and gay porn
Andrea Widburg
May 1, 2023
The NY Times inadvertently concedes that women are different from men
Andrea Widburg
May 1, 2023
The Star-Spangled Banner as a weapon of mass terrorism
Andrea Widburg
May 1, 2023
It won’t matter politically that blue states are emptying and red states filling
Andrea Widburg
May 1, 2023
New York City is starting to smell like dirty bong water, disgusting even the tourists
Monica Showalter
May 1, 2023
Texas mass shooter was a five-times-deported illegal alien
Monica Showalter
May 1, 2023
Teacher at Stanford daycare center arrested at naptime — for murder
Thomas Lifson
May 1, 2023
AP redefined 'insurrection' to include J6 protests, then redefined it again to exclude TN and MT protests that disrupted legislatures
Thomas Lifson
May 1, 2023
Newt Gingrich warns GOP that Michelle Obama may run for president to avoid 'kamikaze' Biden re-election effort
Thomas Lifson
May 1, 2023
Prophetic words on Russia from George Kennan a quarter-century ago
Thomas Lifson
May 1, 2023
China, population, and lies
J.R. Dunn
May 1, 2023
Bernie Sanders: Government should confiscate all wealth over $999 million
Thomas Lifson
May 1, 2023
15,000 a week and more coming
Silvio Canto, Jr.
May 1, 2023
For The New York Times (and its ilk), Donald J. Trump can't be hounded enough
David Zukerman
May 1, 2023
The truth about morality
Robert Arvay