Where is it carved in stone that Progressivism is good?
There is an assumption afoot that progressivism always improves things, modernizes them, and moves the needle forward. I say stop and redefine progressivism as a negative thing in American culture. Why? Because everything progressivism touches, it degrades or destroys.
There is a more obvious assumption about progressivism, and that is that it is forward-moving inexorably to utopia. The very word "progressive" conjures in the mind improvement, elevation, a moving forward, a building up, an evolutionary leap. Americans especially have been groomed over decades to think that progressivism is always good, when in fact, most of the time it wreaks havoc, deconstructs, and degrades whatever it touches, much like mold or rust.
Just look at "progressive" schools. Are they better or worse than a few decades ago? Are the schools preparing children for a life of accomplishment, honor, work, family and service? Or are they grooming children to be slothful, angry, militant socialists, devoid of intellectual skills and real knowledge, fond of taking from others by force, fond of being taken care of by others, prone to violence, screeching, and censorship? What kind of "progressivism" is that? What has been elevated, moved forward?
In the name of progressivism, statues have been torn down, history erased, buildings burned, crime encouraged, words forbidden, police defunded, speakers silenced, online censorship burgeoning, and sexual perversion mainstreamed into kindergarten and up. In the name of progressivism, transsexuality and its attendant disfiguring surgery and hormone-manipulation has been encouraged, lauded, and made to look like courage instead of the deadly fad it is.
In the name of progressivism, grossly obese men with three-inch eyelashes, dressed as feathered and sequined harlots with oversized artificial bosoms and penises, flaunt same in the faces of very young children, while simulating sexual intercourse of the rear kind.
In the name of progressivism, a bearded and bald man flashily dressed as a woman, who steals luggage, is appointed to high positions in the current administration. And doesn't get incarcerated. Ditto an obvious male with long, straggly white-blonde hair is given a woman's uniform to wear as "United States assistant secretary for health." She is clearly a he but progressivism demands we sane people buy the delusion. This is progress?
In the name of progressivism, middling male athletes dressing as women have destroyed women’s sports.
Where is it carved in stone that progressivism is good? It's like "Diversity is our strength": No, it isn't, diversity is divisive. The same is true with "progressivism". It does not elevate, edify and contribute. It tears down all the good things, the traditions, known for millennia to be cohesive to societies. These things endured because they benefited most people. But progressivism abjures comity, debate, honor, decency, cohesiveness, tradition, family, discipline. Instead, it embraces nonsense, sexual perversity, pedophilia, atheism, and idiotic mantras like, "Trans women are women!"
Progressivism is whole-heartedly against the things that made America great, like a work ethic, religion, postponed gratification, saving, timeliness, discipline, and self-sacrifice – all things flatly and openly rejected by the CRT and DIE harpies who demand that such things be viewed as "white privilege."
When progress comes naturally, as the necessary growth of good things and good people working together, it is good. But when "progressivism" is forced, which it almost always is, it is no longer progressive, it's retrogressive, a communist agenda flourishing in the bright light of the universities, which, in their present censorial iteration, should be torn down to build slums.
America needs a vanguard of traditionalists who embrace the good that made America great and who want to build on it. Never, never, never allow progressivism, like diversity, to be viewed as good things except in cuisine and maybe art. And some of the hard sciences. Maybe. The next time a progressive brags about being one, ask her to name something made better for everyone by progressivism and make her answer the question rather than allowing her to get off topic, swear, threaten, cry, lie, and change the subject. That goes for your daughters, too.
Graphic credit: Charles Pettinger CC BY 2.0 license