The leftist insurrection

Where is the resistance to the radical left's quest for autocracy?

In the wake of the political persecution of Donald Trump, it must be apparent to even the most casual observer that the dream of the Woke/Progressive/Democratic Party is to stamp out the rot of Conservative/Republican/MAGA America.  Our once constitutional republic, based on the balance of power, is undergoing persistent and accelerating erosion.

Leftist activism has progressed in a relatively short period of time, from taking on true social injustices (segregation) to fabricating social injustices (systemic racism) so as to generate chaos and dissension to lashing out at their designated source of our irredeemably flawed social structure — oppressive white male supremacy — via woke progressivism.  Vengeful anger is now the rallying call.

By evoking rebellion and anger among the "oppressed," employing manipulations that would make Machiavelli look like a choir boy, the left is amassing a growing cadre of voters, creating an "anti-system" subculture of dissident victims who have been indoctrinated to channel blame for all their failures and unmet expectations upon the evils of white male supremacy.  Joined by virtue-signaling, guilt-ridden urban and suburban affluent whites, they are poised to capture a permanent voting majority.  Witness the fate of the 2022 red wave, the recent election results in Chicago and Wisconsin, and Gen Z's overwhelming rejection of Trump.

Their vision of fundamentally changing America has taken a foothold.  Endorsed or tacitly approved are censorship of free speech, politicization of the legal system, rioting for leftist causes, youth indoctrination, media propaganda, debasing of patriotism, undermining religious tenets, and dissolution of the nuclear family.  Defining race and sex as social constructs removes them from their natural state as biological entities.  Thus, any recognition of differences within the groups can be declared racist or sexist.  Enemies of the state are prosecuted — Trump, the insurrectionists, Roger Stone, Gen. Flynn, Assange, non-vaxxers.

Newton's Third Law of Motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  While undoubtedly true in the physical world, it does not seem to apply in the world of politics.  We see relatively little in the way of meaningful resistance to the leftist insurrection.  Aside from Trump's rhetoric, the stance of the Florida governor, and burgeoning parental resistance to the teaching union bureaucracy, the left's insurgency meets little legal or legislative blowback.

Opportunistic Uniparty politicians just go with the flow rather than attempt to divert it.  Taking on a cultural groundswell does not win voter or special interest support — especially when corporate America is increasingly committed to corporate "social responsibility," ESG, and "equity" initiatives.  More profitable to just feed off the carcass of the nation rather than try to resuscitate it.

With traditional liberalism on the verge of extinction, "moderate" liberals do nothing to quell the tide of leftist autocratic control because, in their heart of hearts, they relish it.  Statism is the only source of authority liberals embrace.  Big Brother will quash the oppressors and see to it that liberal concepts of justice and equity are enforced — so they think.

Conservatives, prone to individualism and self-reliance, are disinclined to mount group resistance.  They stand alone.  Group resistance is the purview of liberals, who, having a victim mindset and less self-reliance, seek strength in numbers and collectivism — a political advantage.  "We're all in this together!"  "It takes a village!"

Those in the lower socioeconomic strata are seduced by the promise of hope and change, destined to ultimately find that the only change will be in the new edicts of their new rulers.

So there is little or no organized resistance to the left's insurrection.  Without strong majorities in government, conservatives can do little to stem the tide.  We can only hope that the mass coefficient of common sense will soon begin to correct our course.  We need more Bill Mahers: liberal icons who reject woke lunacy.

Photo credit: YouTube screen grab (cropped).

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