It matters that MrBeast’s sidekick has announced that he’s ‘transgender’

It was a story that slipped under the radar of most conservatives: Chris Tyson, the sidekick for someone producing content under the name “MrBeast” had gone public with the fact that he was “transgender” and in the process of becoming a woman. For conservatives, it was just another day in America. What we didn’t realize, though, is that for millions of American children, it was another brick in the gender indoctrination wall the left is busy creating for America’s youth.

My kids are grown, so I’d never heard of MrBeast. However, if you go to his YouTube channel, you’ll see that he has 146,000,000 subscribers. To put that in proportion, that’s just a little less than half of the total American population. According to Wikipedia, which is probably correct about these core facts (hyperlinks and endnotes omitted; emphasis mine):

Image: MrBeast (right) and Chris Tyson. YouTube screengrab.

Jimmy Donaldson (born May 7, 1998), better known as MrBeast, is an American YouTuber and philanthropist. He is credited with pioneering a genre of YouTube videos that centers on expensive stunts. With over 130 million subscribers as of January 2023, his main YouTube channel ranks as the fourth-most-subscribed on the platform, with some considering him to be the most-subscribed channel whose owner is an individual.

Donaldson began posting videos to YouTube in early 2012 at the age of 13 under the handle MrBeast6000. His early content ranged from Let’s Plays to “videos estimating the wealth of other YouTubers.” He went viral in 2017 after his “counting to 100,000” video earned tens of thousands of views in just a few days, and he has become increasingly popular ever since, with most of his videos gaining tens of millions of views. Over time, his style of content diversified to include challenge and donation videos that reward thousands of dollars, videos with arduous tasks or survival challenges, and original vlogs.

MrBeast, though, does not do his shtick alone. Like every superhero, he has a sidekick: “Once his channel took off, Donaldson hired Chris Tyson and other childhood friends to co-run the brand.”

Chris Tyson, in turn, is the 26-year-old married father of a toddler. Or he was. Now, he’s a divorced man who claims that he’s a woman:

CHRIS TYSON, A popular content creator who frequently appears on YouTuber MrBeast’s channel, revealed on Twitter today that they are taking hormone replacement therapy.

“HRT, and it’s only been 2 months,” Tyson posted on Twitter, quote-tweeting a MrBeast fan who shared a screengrab of them in the YouTuber’s most recent video, commenting on their changed appearance.

In a follow-up tweet on their alt account, Tyson, who says on Twitter they go by any pronouns, clarified their stance on gender-affirming hormone replacement therapy, quote-tweeting a fan who suggested Republicans are trying to “erase the trans community.”

“Informed consent HRT saved my and many others’ lives,” Tyson wrote. “The hurdles gnc [gender non-conforming] people have to jump through to get life-saving gender-affirming healthcare in a 1st world country is wild to me. Just let people make informed decisions about their own bodies.”

(Obviously, Rolling Stone, from which I quoted the above, is all in on pronoun madness, something that renders everything vaguely illiterate.)

When people who believe in biology, reality, and sanity pointed out that Tyson’s position was an anti-scientific fantasy, Tyson made his Twitter page private, and MrBeast swung into action, vociferously objecting to a particular video that addressed the effect Tyson’s announcement would have on MrBeast’s product:

Two of the most popular replies say what I would have said:

Chris Tyson is a mentally-ill man who abandoned his wife and child by announcing that he was no longer the man his wife married or the father to his child. That’s a selfish and immature act. I’d also be willing to bet that he’s been on SSRI antidepressants (e.g., Prozac) and/or ADHD drugs (e.g., Ritalin), all of which have as a common side-effect dysphoria, so it’s likely that his new “identity” isn’t just narcissism.

This sad, sordid tale ought to be in the smallest box on the back page of a local newspaper, but it’s not. That’s because MrBeast and Chris Tyson matter. Your children and grandchildren know who they are, care what they do, and believe what they say. Moreover, even if you ban MrBeast’s content in your home, they’re watching it when they leave the house.

It's time, therefore, for you to sit down with your child and, in compassionate, non-judgmental tones, explain the reality of so-called “transgenderism.” Children need to know in graphic detail what the drugs and surgeries are and what they do to young bodies. (I know from experience that, if you’re judgmental, your kids will reflexively push back; if you state the reality of “transgenderism” by being sad for poor, deluded Chris Tyson, his wife, and child, you’ll have set a narrative framework that your children can hear without hostility.)

Speak to them now because, very soon, it will be too late.

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