Biden is again pushing the white-on-black genocide myth

Earlier in April, a so-called “transgender man” went to a Christian school in Nashville and slaughtered six people, including (quite deliberately) three nine-year-olds. A couple of days ago, an 84-year-old man in Kansas City shot Ralph Yarl, a 16-year-old black teen who knocked on the wrong door. The White House responded very differently to these events. For the first, it sent Kamala Harris to support transgenderism and gun-grabbing. For the second, Biden invited Yarl to the White House. We know he did so to emphasize white-on-black killings. The problem is that it’s black-on-black killings that are the real plague in America’s black communities.

The Biden administration isn’t subtle about its desire to make black Americans feel that American whites are committing a genocide against them, one shooting at a time. The administration has announced that white supremacy is the most dangerous form of domestic terrorism, and Biden routinely announces that he’s going to wipe out white supremacy (i.e., whites killing blacks) from the land.

In his January 2021 inaugural speech, Biden (the great “uniter”) opened his administration by attacking alleged white supremacy:

In his speech Wednesday, Biden denounced the “racism, nativism, fear, demonization,” that propelled the assault on Capitol Hill by an overwhelmingly white mob of Trump supporters who carried symbols of hate, including the Confederate battle flag.

“A cry for racial justice some 400 years in the making moves us,” Biden said in the nearly 23-minute-long speech promising to heal a divided nation. “A cry that can’t be any more desperate or any more clear. And now a rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.”

In April 2021, Biden was back again:

Just listen to all that emotion-laden language. This is pure demagoguery and is meant to drive a wide racial wedge into the heart of American society.

In October 2021, he again insisted that White supremacy was America’s primary problem.

In September 2022, he announced that “White supremacists will not have the last word and this venom and violence cannot be the story of our time.”

With that drumbeat, no wonder that 75% of black people fear that white people will attack them. This is what propaganda does. In fact, as Ben Shapiro showed in a tweet thread pushing back against the implications behind Biden inviting Ralph Yarl to the White House, it’s not white people, supremacists or not, that American blacks need to fear. It’s their fellow blacks who are decimating them:

Shapiro didn’t stop there. Video has emerged of a large group of young blacks brutally beating down a screaming white woman trapped in a doorway. Members of the group proudly took and posted the video:

Fortunately, the terrified woman escaped with only minor injuries. Shapiro pointedly noted that no White House phone calls would be forthcoming:

Nothing I’ve written is intended to defend white people who criminally attack members of other races. I wish only to point out that the Democrat party is pushing a false narrative that increases racial divisions in America, and it’s clearly doing so to keep Blacks allied with the Democrat party, no matter how badly that party serves their economic, social, and political needs.

Image: Biden preaching about “White Supremacy.” YouTube screen grab.

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