ABC openly censors a Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interview

The media used to silence conservatives delicately but, beginning with the COVID years, they abandoned subtlety for open censorship. Deviating from Fauci’s COVID regime was censorable “misinformation.” Of course, time proved the anti-Faucis correct. One of the loudest anti-Faucis regarding vaccines was Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who’s challenging Biden in the primaries. The Democrat party still disapproves, as revealed by ABC’s freely censoring him. The real question, though, is whether Dems, now that the truth is emerging about Fauci’s failings, will accept this kind of thing.

Let me state up front that, while I think it’s great for Biden to be challenged and appreciate RFK Jr’s willingness to speak out about the Fauci COVID regime, conservatives should remember that RFK Jr. is completely on board with climate madness so, for those who say that he’s an old-fashioned Democrat, along the lines of his father and his uncle, he’s not. This one-time environmental lawyer is just as fanatic about this subject as any other leftist:

He’s also opposed to all vaccines, not just COVID vaccines. That’s a very extremist position. One of the reasons we live in a world in which most of our children survive to adulthood, rather than half of them dying before the age of five, is because of vaccines. The problem isn’t vaccines, per se; it’s the extravagant overuse of vaccines to avoid inconvenient, rather than deadly, diseases.

RFK Jr. is better than Biden, but that’s a low bar. He’d still accept many of the same policies. But certainly, on the COVID issue, as emerging information continues to show, RFK Jr. was on the right side—and the leftists hate him for it.

Earlier this week, for example, People magazine ran an article detailing all of RFK Jr’s “controversies” about COVID and other vaccines. That was mild, though, compared to what ABC did to him.

RFK Jr., who’s already garnered almost 20% of support among Democrat primary voters, went onto ABC News for an interview with one of the talking heads. (I have no idea who she is.) In the clip below, you see her relentlessly disparaging what he has to say about vaccines, even though her party line has been proven to be just plain wrong, a reality many former Fauci fanatics are beginning to realize.

But it’s not just that the talking head used her talking points to deny RFK Jr’s statements; it’s that ABC News freely admitted that it censored him to prevent his “false claims” from getting out (at 4:20 in the video). In other words, ABC is acting as if it’s still April 2021, not April 2023:

Think about that: RFK Jr. has spent the last few years immersing himself in every aspect of the science and facts surrounding the vaccine—but the hacks at ABC, still in thrall to the party line, know better.

For those of us on the right, this is par for the course. The big question is whether those on the left who are beginning to realize the con that was the COVID regime (job-killing lockdowns, stifling and unhealthy masks, closed schools, and dangerous, ineffective vaccines) are going to continue meekly accepting the media’s heavy-handedness.

My suspicion is that the media and the Democrat party will try to shut down RFK Jr. just as they shut down Bernie Sanders. They may find, though, that a lot has changed since the last couple of election cycles and that it’s not going to be as easy as before to ride herd on their candidates and their voters.

UPDATE: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. claims that ABC violated federal law. I haven't researched the law so I don't know if that's true, but wouldn't that be sweet?

Image: RFK Jr. Twitter screen grab.

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