A new music video to wake up your fellow Americans

Alabama musician John Webb has just created a music video of his song "Answers" that has the chance to awaken Americans who have been overwhelmed into complacency by the left and their media.

Here's the link to the YouTube video, although if it gets taken down, here are the links to the video on Rumble and BitChute.

Webb details his journey from his sense of wrongness about our country and how he started seeing blatant lies in the news.  He then shares some of the headlines he saw that show the truth.

Learning of the brutal and unlawful detention of average patriotic Americans as they attended a political rally was the start, and the sham arrest of a former president of the United States was one of his final straws.

He begs Americans to "Turn on the light, let's see what we can't see.  The truth is there on our side.  It's not a joke, life is broken.  Are you outspoken, outspoken?"

He decries the corruption of our current president and predicts, "Benedict Biden gonna sing the blues."

He ends with "When will we see the chains we're in?  The government tells us to 'just grin.'  Are you woke or going broke?  Throw off the yoke, it's not a joke."

Links to the articles listed in the video are included in the description.

Part of our responsibility as patriots is to share the efforts of fellow Americans who are trying to sound the alarm about what's happening to our country.

As a conservative writer, I waffle between discouragement and hope.  So many outrageous things are happening with no reaction — people should be on strike and in the streets protesting every day.  But then I see polls where Americans say they do understand.  They know that the elections of 2020 and 2022 were fraudulent.  They know that our politicians and the media lie to us with every word.  They know that COVID came from a lab in China and the vaccines are deadly.

Sometimes there can be a spark that ignites an entire country into action.  Simply watching a video and sharing it with your friends and families is a harmless way to start standing your ground.  When people see that hundreds, then thousands, then tens of thousands of people are sharing a music video, they realize they are not alone.

Be the spark. Please watch the entire video, give a "thumbs up," and make a positive comment.  This is what gets a video to take off.

Share it on your social media.

Here is the link again to the YouTube video.  https://youtu.be/vDZVh4WlVLs

If you have a bit more time, you can watch the video on Rumble and BitChute so we can start to build numbers up there as well.

Rumble https://rumble.com/v2ilnpw-answers.html

BitChute https://www.bitchute.com/video/36Si5uS6wqxS/

Talk is cheap; action is priceless!  Please take a few minutes this morning to take action to save our country.

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