Segregate the sexes in sports!

I saw today that the Mid Vermont Christian  School not only forfeited a first-round playoff game in the girls' basketball tournament.  Following the forfeit, the Vermont Principals Association pulled the credentials from the school and will not allow the school to participate in athletic events.  All this for not wanting to play against another school that had a boy on the girls' basketball team.

This is a horrible blow to girls' athletics and to the school as well.  Backing down in the face of unjust actions by others only emboldens those to continue the process.  According to VTDIGGER.ORG, the Principals Association said, "Specifically, Mid Vermont violated the organization's anti-discrimination and gender identity policies."  Those policies allow athletes to play on the team that is "consistent with their gender identity" and prohibit discrimination "based on a student's actual or perceived sex and gender."

These antics will continue in girl's and women's sports until those in authority are confronted with an all-or-nothing gambit by those with a moral and ethical compass.

Had I been in the decision-making position at Mid Vermont Christian, instead of the forfeit, I would have suited up the entire boys' basketball team and appeared at the tournament game and announced that "on this day, my team identifies as girls.  Let the game begin."  After all, how many boys are allowed on a girls' team?  Let the Principals Association wrestle with that one.

God created man and woman.  They are different.  It is time to return to the segregation of sexes in sports.  Christians and Jews need  to stand up against this nonsense once and for all.

The boys' team from Mid Vermont finished second in the state tournament.  Winning the girls bracket?  A piece of cake.

Jonathan Colvin is a private investigator in Phoenix, Arizona and a freelance writer.

Image via Pixnio.

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