Ron DeSantis finally speaks up about the probable Trump indictment

On Sunday, many noted that Florida’s Ron DeSantis had yet to speak up about the news that Manhattan’s hard-left DA Alvin Bragg planned to indict Trump, possibly as early as tomorrow. That changed, with DeSantis making a masterful statement that attacked both the left and Donald Trump—and that succeeded in getting Trump to post a comment that is a giant, self-inflicted wound.

Yesterday, I mentioned DeSantis’s silence as part of a post that focused on Vivek Ramaswamy, the only Republican candidate (or presumed candidate) to speak to the larger principles at issue here. Others said nothing or hewed to the usual picayune political platitudes. However, during a press conference today, and in response to a specific question about the possible Trump indictment, Ron DeSantis finally had his say about the news, and he hit it out of the park.

In three minutes, DeSantis addressed the malevolence of Soros prosecutors, the legal principles at issue, and his own admirable record. He also threw in an attack against Trump that succeeded in triggering one of Trump’s famously self-harming counterattacks.

If you don’t want to watch the video, here are the key points DeSantis made:

  • He was limiting his comments because there are no concrete facts available.
  • Alvin Bragg is a “Soros-funded prosecutor” and, therefore, is “like other Soros-funded prosecutors—they weaponize their office to impose a political agenda on society at the expense of the rule of law and public safety.”
  • Even as Bragg is weaponizing his office, he’s making it impossible to put real criminals in jail, causing crime in Manhattan to go up, while “citizens become less safe.”
  • He reminded his audience that he is the only governor to date to have rid his state of a Soros-funded prosecutor.
  • He has no interest in getting involved in a Soros-prosecutor’s “circus,” which is to “virtue signal” to his base because he has to take care of his own state, which has real and immediate needs that are his responsibility.
  • And in a small, but vicious attack against Trump, DeSantis slipped in that “I don’t know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star to secure silence over some type of alleged affair. I just I can’t speak to that.”

Trump, the counterpuncher, did what he always did: He went on the attack against DeSantis. It was a foolish attack because it showed that DeSantis is living in his head, just as Trump has lived in leftist heads. It shows fear.

He began with a post implying that DeSantis has a secret gay love life:

Trump quickly deleted that post, only to expand on it:

No matter how one looks at Trump’s response, it was very, very foolish. Trump looked small and fearful. If there’s something secret about DeSantis’s sex life, let someone else dig it up. And to the extent that it’s probable that there’s nothing bad in DeSantis’s sex life, it was just…well, for want of a better word, nasty. People liked Trump because he was a happy warrior; there’s nothing happy about this attack.

Overall, DeSantis got the better of Trump in this encounter and managed to make himself look very, very good.

Image: Ron DeSantis. Twitter screen grab.

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