Biden must go gentle into that good night

A popular proverb is that "a bad workman blames his tools." 

Not only is Biden a bad workman, but his job, as he misunderstands it, is foolhardy.  For America to reclaim her greatness, it's not "the job," but his presidency that must be finished. 

Ensconced in his White House echo chamber — and green "eco" chamber, for that matter — the doddering dotard may actually think he's doing a good job.  Not merely lacking self-awareness, he's actually succumbed to complete solipsism, for, in his perverse world, he's poised to run again to "finish the job."  Of course, a better campaign slogan would be "Potsie for POTUS." 

"Putz for Prez" also works.  Anything is better than "finish the job."  The phrase is a refrain Biden invoked thirteen times during his monotonous and incongruous SOTU address.  Proving he flounders and flails in a warped dimension of time and space appropriated for dotards, he had the temerity to exhort Congress to work with him to "finish the job" of rebuilding the economy and uniting the nation.  That's rich, coming from someone who eclipses even obnoxious Obama's divisiveness.  It's also farcical because petty Biden, like Obama before, removed the imposing bust of Sir Winston Churchill from the White House.  Please let me explain...

Churchill delivered his "Give Us the Tools" speech in 1941.  Even by his soaring oratory standards, it was stirring and reverberated around the world.  The climactic call to arms included this commitment to finish the job: "We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire.  Neither the sudden shock of battle, nor the long-drawn trials of vigilance and exertion will wear us down. Give us the tools, and we will finish the job."

Quite simply, Churchill was a lion.  Biden is a pitiful lamb by comparison — but not as cute.  Churchill was knighted; Biden gives the village idiot a bad name.  Churchill was named "man of the century" by various entities (Time Magazine only made him man of the half-century, but that's still pretty good indeed); Biden is not even man of the house, as Jill seems to wear the pants.  In that regard, I'm glad he removed Churchill's bust.  Before spiraling into his current delusional abyss, perhaps in the dark recesses of his mangled mind, he secretly realized he's not worthy to be in the same room.  And he's certainly not fit to "finish the job."

Nevertheless, incumbency has powerful benefits, and the other Dem hopefuls are pathetic empty suits and skirts, so he may yet run (or totter) for re-election.  But there is no agreement on his peculiar definition of the job that needs finishing; indeed, a majority of voters would rather unravel his policies.  Therefore, rather than churlishly co-opt Churchill's clarion call, here're a few alternative campaign slogans that resonate outside Sleepy and Sloppy Joe's solipsist existence:

Biden for the Big House (not White House.  After his cognitive test it may be prudent to commit him)

Join our journey: From meritocracy to idiocracy (DIE is dumbing down America)

Punch and Jill fighting for you (in his make-believe world, punchy Joe is a Golden Gloves boxer with no impulse control)

Hail to the thief (his tax proposals are confiscatory); Crony-in-chief also works since he's "the big guy"

Hope and change you can't believe in

Biden, a liberal fossil for clean energy

Build back Biden (he certainly needs restoration...or is it rest that Sleepy Joe needs?)

Fight the man (even Austin Goolsbee, a white male, may be overlooked as the Federal Reserve's vice chair in favor of a minority.  Indeed, punchy Joe relishes reminding us that more than half of the women in his administration are women)

Identity over competence, politics over performance (does anyone in his Cabinet deserve being there?)

Back Bidden and Bunny (even the Easter bunny is more sentient than punchy Joe)

These are just campaign slogan suggestions that may comport with reality that Biden can't comprehend, but one thing is for sure: America may wither if Joe the Potsie — or Putz — is given the dull tools from the progressive scrap heap.  

There are a couple of ways one can exit the political stage: one is tempestuous, as represented by Dylan Thomas's mesmeric verse; the other is more gracious, even dignified, as envisioned by the Great British Nobel Laureate Bertrand Russell. 

Thomas entreated, "Do not go gentle into that good night."  That is certainly sage advice for those who admire Churchill's "give us the tools" pugnacity.  They are words to live by for those who want to Make America Great Again, rather than passively allow Biden to follow his old boss in making America last again.  However, a very large majority of Americans prefer that Biden go gently — as in not run again.  As in, not finish the job he misconstrues.  Goodnight, Joe.

By contrast, Bertrand Russell was a bit more of a genteel gentleman, invoking beautiful imagery of a river's course: after the waterfalls and torrents of youth, "Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being."

Biden is not the sharpest tool in the shed — he simply mustn't finish his job.  At least politically, he must go gently, with ego receding as he loses his individual being to the Dead Sea of ill-liberal progressivism.  Politically speaking, "goodnight, Joe"; go gentle, or God help us all. 

Image: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia CommonsCC BY-SA 2.0.

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