Yes, Americans can still count our blessings

Looking back the political and economic turmoil of the past four years, it has been quite a ride, and at times, it has been hard to comprehend what has happened to our great nation.  For starters, there is the COVID-19 epidemic that came out of nowhere.  The nation has also been subjected to two sham impeachments, the summer of riots precipitated by the death of George Floyd, the "Insurrection" of January 6, an economic downturn if not an outright recession, and wanton political violence and strife.

In addition to internal strife, we unfortunately witnessed a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, where we lost our fellow American servicemen and left behind those loyal to our cause who have been persecuted if not executed by the Taliban.  Though indeed a tragedy, this pales in comparison to the savage butchery, rape, and war crimes perpetrated on the people of Ukraine by the tyrant of a pariah nation that knows no mercy and has committed the most unspeakable atrocities on its neighbor.  As President George H.W. Bush stated upon the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, "this will not stand" — and who knows at this point where the conflict will end?  As Americans, we cannot let it stand, yet we cannot allow the current administration to maintain an open checkbook to fund another conflict without an end.

Yes, despite these tragedies, perhaps I am a bit naïve, but I remain the eternal optimist.  On July 4, 2026, we will celebrate our 250th birthday — our semi-quincentennial.  We are a nation that has endured two world wars, a Civil War that tore the nation asunder, the Great Depression, and countless other challenges.  What we have endured the last four years pales in comparison to what many of our ancestors faced and ultimately were victorious.

It was Ronald Reagan who, in 1989, in his Farewell Address to the nation, defined his vision of America as a shining city upon a hill — "a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace."  Despite the trials and tribulation of the last four years, I believe that his words still ring.  We should all do our part as citizens to achieve this vision.

Although we have our problems, the United States remains a great nation and an example for the world to emulate.  However, to maintain our leadership of the free world, we must work together to put aside our differences in achieving the greater good

Yes, Americans have our faults, but as we approach the holidays, I believe we can still count our many blessings.  No nation on Earth provides the beacon of freedom and hope that this nation projects.  Perhaps we will never achieve Ronald Reagan's idealized vision of the shining city upon a hill, but perfection was never our  Founding Fathers' intent.  May God bless America!

Image: PxHere.

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