Get rid of your TV

In my younger years, I had a dog named Kiki.  She was my best friend.  She was brave and loyal, and she raised my children, or at least, if she had been able to speak, she would have claimed to have raised them — and probably would have also claimed that they were her children, occasionally on loan to me.

She was a special dog.  She weighed about 150 pounds, and when she growled she sounded like a bulldozer pushing a scoop full of rocks up a hill.  She used the growl sparingly, but nobody in his right mind ignored it when she did.

I came to realize that she was smarter than many of the people I'd met, even though I couldn't give her that kind of credit publicly without offending some of those same people.

In one respect, she proved to be much smarter than most people: she didn't watch television.  The images weren't remotely interesting, and the sound was of no interest at all.  Over the course of fourteen years, I never caught her turning her head to see the screen, nor did she tip an ear toward the noise that came out of the box.  Like any good dog, she was keenly interested in the sounds around her, except for the sounds coming from the TV.

Sometime after she passed on, hopefully going to big dog heaven, where the squirrels are slightly slower, I gave away my television and never replaced it.  It has been a bit over thirty years since I've owned one.  This has been a great joy.

These days, we worry a lot about misinformation and disinformation as well as the selective withholding of information that does not support a certain narrative.  The commiecrats worry that conservatives may occasionally communicate an idea to somebody, and worse, that that person might consider the idea, looking for truth and value.  Conservatives, for their part, subject themselves to the cancel culture by simply offering their opinions in public. 

I suspect that the ardent television-watcher is subjected to a storm of propaganda from the left.  The lying, cheating commiecrats have control of almost all the media air time.  This control extends to radio and print, but the most damaging of these platforms is likely the television set.

To humans, what is presented on the screen seems vivid and lifelike and therefore somehow real and accurate.  Dogs are too smart for that.  Humans are not.  For most  humans, the storm of ideas goes by at an overwhelming pace.  There is no time to process one message before being confronted with the next and the one after that.  Who has time to ask, "Is there truth in these messages?  Is there wisdom?  Is there manipulation?  What are these lies doing to my head?"

So to the humans who love dogs, and in fact to all humans, including the ones who do not love dogs, I offer this magic trick, which will change your life.  It will give your life meaning and totally change your misguided thinking.

The two main methods of regaining control over your life and your thoughts are simple applications of basic electricity.  For you low-tech types, easy now — you can do this.

First, there is a switch on all of these fiendish devices.  If you press the power button to "off," the garbage storm will cease. 

Don't stop there.  You must go to step two, or habit — and perhaps addiction — will recapture you before you can escape.  There is an electric cord that goes into the box.  These are generally dark brown or black.  Trace the cord down to the wall, and unplug it. 

Then say to yourself over and over, "I will win this fight.  I will not plug this garbage dispenser back in.  I will reclaim my life.  I will do and observe real things rather than meaningless images on a flat screen.  I will process the thoughts and deeds of my life.  I will think my thoughts without direction from the commiecrat liars and cheats.  I will be free."

Then, as you chant this mantra, pick up the set (get help if it's too heavy), carry it out into the street, and have it picked up by the trash service.  Or give it to a commiecrat you don't like.

Then freely live a beautiful life on your own terms.  Maybe even get a big dog.

Jerry Powlas broke the television habit back in the days before "advocacy journalism," when some news reporters still pretended to be unbiased.  He is happily married to a woman who can boast that she has never owned a television set and managed to live a normal life notwithstanding.

Image via Pixnio.

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