Biden’s losing battle with the TelePrompter humiliates America

One of the things Democrats promised those Americans who actually voted for Joe Biden was that Biden would bring dignity back to the White House. I guess that’s true if you define “dignity” to mean a president who, when speaking to representatives of foreign nations, can barely speak, read the TelePrompter, or understand what he’s talking about. If it’s that kind of “dignity,” Joe Biden scored a ”10” when he spoke to the U.S. Africa Business Forum, a part of the U.S. Africa Business Summit.

Prosper Africa is a U.S. government initiative to increase trade and investment between the U.S. and the African continent. The “Prosper Africa Virtual Deal Room” is a virtual site within the Prosper Africa website that “connects U.S. investors with African businesses seeking capital.” There! Now you know exactly what both the initiative and the Deal Room are.

The RNC Research Team caught up with Biden’s speech to the assembled African representatives. There was a whole lot of Biden’s usual stumbling and mumbling going on. It’s important to note that this is not stuttering. This is mush mouth, something I tend to associate with mental disability, whether from dementia or drugs:

There was also Biden’s manifest inability (watch him squint and lean forward) to read the TelePrompter:

We've come to expect the mush mouth and pained TelePrompter readings from Biden. What was really disturbing, when you think that this walking fossil is the highest representative of our nation, is that Biden quite obviously had no idea what he was talking about. This ignorance was hinted at by his inability to riff a bit when he couldn’t quite read the TelePrompter, but it was manifest when he pretty much stated outright that he doesn’t know what the Prosper Africa Deal Room is and implied that it’s somehow obscene:

That was an amazing performance, one that simultaneously insulted the African continent and humiliated the American nation. We all knew once Biden was installed in the White House that it would be bad, but I wonder how many of us truly understood just how bad it would be. Whether it’s destroying America’s institutions, erasing her borders, wiping out her economy, weakening her military, or insulting friendly nations, Biden’s done it all—and he’s only halfway through his term.

Image: Twitter screen grab.

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