Early voting down around here in Texas

I voted last Monday in Texas, and was surprised by how quickly the lines moved.   No long lines like in 2018 or 2020.  Then I read that the numbers are down:    
Early voting totals will not come close to the turnout during the 2020 presidential election or even the midterm elections of 2018, said Republican strategist Derek Ryan, who distributes a daily analysis of voting trends in the state’s largest counties.
The latest update, released Wednesday afternoon, showed 3.7 million votes had been cast in the upcoming election on Nov. 8. Tallies on the first days of early voting also included the bulk of mail-in ballots. By this point in the 2018 election cycle, 76% of all early votes had been cast.
Both sides are spinning the results.  The GOP is feeling good and speculating that there is apathy among Democrats.   The Democrats are saying that their people will show up, especially after they attend a Beto rally this weekend.   One more whiff of that Beto magic!
We will know on Tuesday when the real numbers are added up.  My guess is that the GOP was more motivated in 2022.  You can thank two groups for that:   Mom and Dad voting against public education plus a lot of Hispanics in South Texas.
We did hear this from the Democrats:   
Dallas County Democratic Party Chair Kristy Noble acknowledged Democrats rely on a big turnout in Dallas. "The Democratic percent of that vote has to be higher in Dallas, in Harris, in Travis than obviously the rest of the state and so that's what we're focusing on right now."
While early voting numbers are down, Noble said Democrats are still positive. "The fight is still there. We still have the opportunity for the Democratic side keep our majority in Dallas County, even extend that majority."  
Time will tell but Democrats are a bit worried around here.
Image: Monica Showalter
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