After the midterms, will Biden run again?

Last week, I described the Republican election losses as all but purposeful, the motive being that the establishment could not afford the boost that a red wave would give to Trump.  To limit Trump, they had to limit the Republican wins, even if it wound up costing them the election.

Well, that's what happened.  Senator Rick Scott, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said Sunday morning on Fox that "our leadership didn't have a plan.  All they wanted to do was talk about Democrat failures."  If they talked about Republican successes to quantify those failures, they would have had to have been talking about Donald J. Trump.

That is about as close as anybody in the party will ever come to admitting what happened, and looking at the postmortems, it certainly had the predicted effect.  Most of the analyses are blaming Trump for the loss and promoting DeSantis as the only star in the sky.

Remember Mitch McConnell saying earlier this year that "the most important task we have is to support the Ukraine"?  He didn't say, "The most important task we have is to control our southern border," nor "The most important task we have is to win the midterms and stop the bleeding," but "Ukraine." 

His answer later in the year to a specific question about future strategy in the midterms and beyond, was "That's a good question."  Really!  No plan.  None.  That is exactly what Rick Scott confirmed on Sunday.  

Mitch had no intention of presiding over a red wave.  He put his money where his mouth was by taking that money away from Trump endorsed-candidates and fortifying people like Lisa Murkowski, who had voted to convict during Trump's impeachment.

The Democrats, meanwhile, went right to work with their usual diligence to claim whatever races they could.  The Biden Bumps were everywhere.  Their favorite mail-in ballot tricks were much in evidence, and stalling the count was once again the key tactic in the states they needed.

All of this was met with no opposition at the national level because the opposition Republican leadership were just way too busy making sure that as little credit as possible would accrue to Trump.  They absolutely want him out of the picture.

I rest my case.  Republican leadership were willing to risk losing this election, and they did just that, to stall and hopefully stop Trump.

If you look for verification in the media, you'll have to read between the lines.  The preponderance of post-election stories is blaming Trump and promoting DeSantis, and if you look at letters to the editor and op-ed comment sections, many who say they were Trump voters are falling for it.

So what's next?  If Biden can sit up and take nourishment, the Democrats will run Biden in 2024.  That has been ensured now.  The Democrats made a great move (for them) in appointing Biden as our "president."  It's doubtful that the Democrats had any idea that Biden would turn out this well for them, as it was largely a defensive move.  They really had no acceptable candidates in 2020.  It has succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.

They now know full well that, having gotten voters to accept a blindingly corrupt and incompetent Joe Biden as "president" (by any means necessary), they can get voters to accept anything (again, by any means necessary).  And, since no one knows who the president is really, they can promote every idea they have ever had, however damaging; blame Biden if it happens to go wrong; not answer to anyone; dump him if the pressure gets too great; and just "run anuthrun on" (as Andy Griffith might put it).

They can pull off all kinds of anti-constitutional operations, like using the FBI to suppress the vote and punish the opposition with SWAT raids, arrests, and jail terms, just as Obama used the IRS to harass the opposition, but more so.  The people have no idea how to stop it or whom to go to.  And speaking of that, does anybody really believe they need 87,000 new IRS agents who "carry a firearm and are willing to use deadly force" to audit billionaires?

They can do all the things that they are doing and keep the majority of the public in total confusion about it because of Biden's "condition." It is pure genius.  That's why they ran John Fetterman and why you will see more Fettermen popping up in the future.  The point is to be sure that their leadership establishment will never be challenged by the people they use.  No more Joe Manchins.

One more thing.  If you don't want to believe that the Republican leadership dumped this election intentionally, then you have to ask yourself how in the name of everything you love and cherish they could possibly be so completely incompetent as to show so badly in an election that was all but handed to them.  Either way, it is high time to turn over the field.

I think we have all learned that although it is hard to underestimate the competence of our politicians, quite often, they do what they do on purpose.  This is the country whose government sent Harry Dexter White as its chief negotiator to the Bretton Woods conference to negotiate our financial future with Joseph Stalin.  Just one example.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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