The cake-maker with a conscience goes back to court

Jack Phillips is still fighting in Colorado.  He is appealing a ruling by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission that he violated the state's discrimination law because he would not bake a cake celebrating a transgender person's transition from male to female.  The transgender person was Autumn Scardina, an attorney.

Looks as though it's time for us to go buy another cake at Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood.  The last one we bought was a carrot cake for a camping group, and it was delicious.

I wonder if Governor Jared Polis ever bought a cake from Jack.  I doubt it.  He's our first openly gay governor, and he would be with the gay activists who have persecuted Jack.  In fact, Governor Polis made his views clear in 2017.  "Polis, who served as a congressman at the time, was one of 211 members of Congress who filed an amicus brief in support of the Colorado Civil Rights Commission against Phillips," according to Fox News.

"Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips was sued three times over his refusal to bake cakes for a gay wedding and commemorating gender transition because he said it violated his Christian faith.  After the Colorado Civil Rights Commission ruled that Phillips had violated Colorado's Anti-Discrimination Act for refusing service, he later appealed to the Supreme Court in 2017.  The court later ruled 7-2 in favor of the bakery."

In April 2022, Governor Polis bragged to Fox that Colorado wanted all business to do well in the state regardless of the business owner's political persuasion.  "In Colorado, we have a different tradition.  I don't care what your political philosophy is.  You can be conservative, liberal.  You can be religious right, religious left, atheist, middle, doesn't matter.  We want to give you the opportunity to thrive in our state.  And no matter what your political viewpoints are.  Our state is open for business, open for jobs, certainly open to host Disney World," Polis said.

Wow.  Seems a little inconsistent, doesn't it?  Colorado needs a new governor.  Hopefully, voters will elect Heidi Ganahl and her pick for lieutenant governor, Danny Moore.

Phillips wrote a book entitled The Cost of My Faith: How a Decision in My Cake Shop Took Me to the Supreme Court.  My husband and I heard him speak at the Western Conservative Summit when the book came out, and we bought a copy and had him sign it.  He is a mild person and very kind.

Looking back, Phillips was a canary in the coal mine for what was coming with aggressive gay activists; now we have men who call themselves females competing on women's sports teams and pushing drag queen story hour in libraries.  Seems gay activists will not be satisfied until everyone not only tolerates their lifestyle and culture, but likes and loves them, too.

Phillips's troubles with a government commission in Colorado foreshadowed a federal government that will do anything in its agencies to support LGBT issues and punish citizens who do not go along with the agenda.

Phillips's cases have revolved around the U.S. Constitution's protections of his rights in the First Amendment.  The case that went to the Supreme Court was about Phillips's freedom of religion rights.  The case being appealed now is about Phillips's freedom of speech.

As reported by The Colorado Sun, "[a]t trial last year, Phillips, a Christian, testified he did not think someone could change genders and he would not celebrate 'somebody who thinks that they can.'"

"Jake Warner, an attorney representing Phillips from the conservative Christian legal advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom, said the ruling was wrong.  He said requiring Phillips to create a cake with a message contrary to his religious beliefs amounts to forcing him to say something he does not believe, violating his right to free speech."

In his book, Phillips writes about lessons he's learned through this fight.  "Now after all these years on the receiving end of civic policy, the law, the courts, and government officials, I've come to some new understandings.  Not only of how on the one hand even those we elect to defend our rights can sometimes grievously abuse them, but of how on the other hand the system really can work in exactly the way our Founders intended.

"This is a country where a cake designer in a suburban cake shop – condemned and humiliated by state officials, ignored by higher state courts — can send up a legal flare to the U.S. Supreme Court and be recognized, heard, and exonerated."

Fight on, Jack Phillips, and keep on keeping the Faith.  We will try to keep on as well and fight right alongside you.

C.S. Boddie writes for Meadowlark Press, LLC.

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