Democrats are just plain dangerous for kids

It's bad enough that Democrats would love to kill your unborn child at taxpayer expense and, if unsuccessful at that, simply amputate its penis and testicles or breasts at a later date and call it "gender-affirming care."

But for kid-hating Dems, that's not nearly enough, no.  Now they want to inject your children — at more risk of mortality and morbidity from riding a school bus or owning a dog than COVID-19 — with the failed and potentially dangerous COVID-19 vaccines.

I call the junk that's been injected into millions of trusting Americans' arms, including mine, a complete failure because a vaccine — by definition — prevents the acquisition and spread of a given disease.  The "Fauci ouchie" does neither.

Dems and their rabid media lapdogs contend that the vaccines they're touting lessen the severity of COVID-19 disease.  That's anecdotal at best, self-serving BS at worst, and even if true, the failed vaccines should then be reclassified as "therapeutics," substances that lessen the severity of a given disease and are totally elective, never mandatory.

As for "potentially dangerous," the COVID vaccines were rushed into service and never properly tested.  If anyone is keeping score of adverse events and deaths caused by these vaccines that don't vaccinate, it's a better kept secret than Barack Obama's college grades.

The Democrat propagandists running the NIH, NIAID, and CDC would prefer you simply ignore numerous reports of young males afflicted with potentially deadly myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination, as well as women whose menstrual cycles have been affected after receiving the failed vaccine.  Nothing to see here, folks, the government fat cats purr while patting their wallets, move along!

So now, despite the fact that children are at less risk from COVID-19 than from walking down the stairs to breakfast, the CDC is nevertheless recommending that we inject them with an inadequately tested vaccine that doesn't vaccinate and may damage their hearts or reproductive systems, at what frequency we don't know.

Any normal, remotely rational person reading that (which leaves out Crusty Joe) should ask himself: why would Big Pharma, the Democrat powers that be, and their vile media henchmen do such a dangerous and unnecessary thing to the most innocent and defenseless among us?

For love.

Love of money (see net worth, A. Fauci and 2021 profits, Pfizer and Moderna).

Love of power (see lockdowns, Democrat-run and sketchy voting schemes, pandemic-related).

Love of self.  Remember, Democrats are the party that promotes and reveres the killing of unborn babies deemed inconvenient to their parents.  God forbid a child gets an innocuous case of the Wuhan Flu and then passes it on to you.  Talk about inconvenient!  Besides, what's a little potential toxin unnecessarily injected into kids in a world where it's perfectly OK to rip them limb by limb from their mother's wombs?  By comparison, a trifle.

Of course, the Democrats who tell us that things "depend on what the meaning of 'is' is" will protest that the white coat supremacists at the CDC are merely making a "recommendation."  A suggestion, if you will.

Sure, a suggestion that will quickly become a mandate in many states in order for kids to attend school.  Mandates that will surely damage the hearts and reproductive systems of innocent children, even as liberal educators poison their minds with Critical Race Theory, America-bashing, and the absurd notion of 12,872 genders (at last count).

When I try to wrap my mind around the heinous and unconscionable treatment of U.S. children, both born and unborn, currently in vogue, I find I keep returning to the same question.

Why do Democrats hate children so?

Image via Pixabay.

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