Candace and Kanye make a fashion statement

Candace Owens has a new documentary coming out about BLM, titled The Greatest Lie Ever Sold.  Now she just needs to get people to pay attention, and do it on a limited advertising budget.  Her solution was both elegant and inexpensive.  She teamed up with Ye — the artist formerly known as Kanye West — and they strutted around at Paris fashion week wearing "White Lives Matter" t-shirts.  Problem solved.  About a nanosecond after the first picture was snapped, the whole coastal world was outraged about her and Ye.  And just like that, voilà: Twitter erupted like Nancy Pelosi after a Trump tweet.

One Twitter twit known as Watching the Throne tweeted, "Seeing Ye and Candace in that shirt hurts my soul."

Photo credit: Twitter via RedState.

I call BS.  Leftists have no soul.

Another twit who goes by WTT was equally offended that Candace was even present (regardless of what she wore).  He/she/xe called her "someone who is so politically destructive and reprehensible."

Candace wasn't even sporting her horns or "mark of the demon" tat at the show.  Clearly, WTT got the semi-fascism memo.

Kinglioncrown became the king twit by tweeting, "Kanye West are [sic] WS [white supremacist] in Black Face."

Wait a minute: blackface is a bad thing again?  Has anyone notified Ralph Northam or Joy Behar that their cancelation notices are on the way?  Does this rule change apply to Canada as well?  If so, "Boy Wonder" Trudeau has some 'splainin' to do.

But Twitter twit Consequence topped them all with this one: "Kanye West continues his long slide into fascism by wearing a 'White Lives Matter' shirt."

Because nothing says "coexist" like saying the lives of a whole race of people don't matter if they happen to be melanin-challenged.  Clearly Consequence would prefer that all whites be eliminated — to fight racism.  That logic holds up...doesn't it?

Candace accomplished her mission.  But what was in it for Ye?  In recent years Mr. "Formerly Known As" has formed some rather strong political opinions.  But what statement was he actually trying to make?

Surely he wasn't mocking BLM.  I mean, President Gremlin assures us that all blacks think alike, right?  Doing anything but issuing praise (and sending money) to BLM seems a bit out of the mainstream of approved leftist groupthink.  It couldn't be that.

Was he showing gratitude to white liberals for wearing BLM t-shirts?  It would be a fun way to let them know that he's one black billionaire who appreciates their efforts to make him a black billionaire.  Obviously, he couldn't have done it on his own.  That would invalidate the leftist narrative as well.

Some of Ye's Ts (I like the sound of that) were emblazoned with an image of the pope.  I'm not sure if that means he was making a pro-life or an anti–climate change statement.  There's no word yet on a Catholic Church decision to file a trademark infringement suit.  The pope will probably let it slide unless Mark Houck starts wearing one of Ye's Ts to his court appearances.

Is it possible that Candace and Ye were actually paid federal informants posing as a pair of those elusive black "white supremacists"?  Most MAGA insurrectionists have gotten smart enough to limit their red hat–wearing to secret nighttime, torchlit ceremonies.  Maybe this was a shrewd law enforcement tactic to elicit a fist bump or two from MAGA semi-fascist extremists.  But if it was an FBI plot, it was poorly conceived.  No MAGA knuckle-dragger would be caught dead in Paris.  It's known for wine, not beer.  They should have tried the scheme in Texas.

But after thinking about it, I remembered that Ye is a fashion designer.  The whole thing was probably just a ploy to sell overpriced apparel to an underserved market niche.  Just think of the number of teenagers who will buy his Ts for no other reason than to give the metaphorical middle finger to their parents, teachers, and any CNN reporters in the area.  With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, they are a large and growing market segment.

John Green is a political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho.  He has written for American ThinkerAmerican Free News Network, and The Blue State Conservative.  He can be followed on Facebook or reached at

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