Can Oz Beat Ozzie?

Let us reach down into the memory hole and see if we can retrieve a recent news story before the corporate media pile too much other stuff on top of it: “Former Dem Rep gets 30-month prison sentence in ballot-stuffing election fraud case.”

Normally, a Democrat committing election fraud is not particularly newsworthy.  That's probably why the corporate media do not report on it.  But this story is out of the ordinary because the Democrat politician who pled guilty to election fraud is “Ozzie” Meyrs -- the same Congressman “Ozzie” Meyrs who was expelled from Congress in 1980, having been caught taking bribes in the Abscam sting. 

In the late 1970s Abscam sting, Myers, then a two-term congressman, was convicted of bribery and conspiracy for taking $50,000 from FBI agents posing as Arab sheiks. He served just over a year in prison.

On June 6, 2022, Myers pled guilty to conspiracy to deprive voters of civil rights, bribery, obstruction of justice, falsification of voting records, and conspiring to illegally vote in a federal election.  Myers operated in Philadelphia and committed vote fraud in federal, state, and local elections.  He admitted orchestrating schemes to stuff the ballot boxes for specific Democrat candidates in the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 Pennsylvania elections.

Would it take a wild leap of speculative imagination to suggest that maybe, perhaps, possibly, Meyrs has been corrupting elections for more than forty years?

Election fraud is easier in areas with significant transient populations.  That makes for large numbers of inactive voters on the rolls.  Election fraudsters use these registrations of inactive voters to cast votes in their name.

Areas of significant transient populations are large cities and university towns.  Where do the Democrats win elections?  Large cities and university towns.

A 2013 sting operation by official New York City investigators found they could vote in someone else’s name 97 percent of the time without detection. (And frankly, the 3 percent of attempts that were unsuccessful are as disturbing as the successful attempts.)

An undercover video released in 2016 by the citizen-journalist group Project Veritas shows a Alan Shulkin, the Democratic election commissioner in New York City, saying, “There is a lot of fraud.” The words of Commissioner Shulkin suggest that there are many Ozzie Meyrs operating in America's large cities.

Dr. Oz is running for a Senate seat in Pennsylvania.  Various polls show the race to be close.  But polls cannot capture two sources of votes:  Republicans who do not want to be put on the FBI's terrorist-watch list; and Democrats who will be created out of thin air by Ozzie Meyrs and his disciples.  Which will be the larger group in November?  Shy Oz voters or fictitious Ozzie voters?

William Marbury is a pen name.

Image: US Gov. Printing Office/World Economic Forum

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