Trump's endorsements triumph in last night's primaries

For President Trump, this morning's got to be sweet.

His endorsed candidates, one after another, won over other GOP candidates in Tuesday's primaries.  Those coveted endorsements went for congressional seats in Arizona, Michigan, and sort-of Missouri, where it appeared that President Trump endorsed both candidates with the first name "Eric."  The counting is still on in places like Washington, so it may not have been a full sweep, but it came very, very close.

Many of the candidates Trump endorsed were political upstarts, not incumbents, which have a harder time winning, so the primary victories were all the more impressive.

The New York Times has a real-time graphics report with all the results of the primaries here

Over at Axios, which is getting more and more left-wing lately, there seemed to be some gnashing of teeth.

Here was their third story in their morning email newsletter lineup (no link):

Republican voters in five states largely sided with former President Trump in yesterday's primary races.

  • Why it matters: The backing of Trump's picks — over Republican lawmakers who challenged him — signals GOP voters' continued allegiance to the former president.

They are right on that.  They, uh, forgot to include a "share" link on that item but had "share" links on all of their other stories lined up.

The sweet spots were in two places — the candidates who lost were characters who voted to impeach him.  And in Arizona, an election integrity champion who knows very well that fraud has happened in that state — and is against it — won the secretary of state's primary race handily.  It may not have been a full sweep (Washington State with its impeachment-happy congressmembers is still counting), but it seems to have come close.

Some examples:

Trump-impeacher Rep. Peter Meijer of western Michigan lost out to Trump-endorsed John Gibbs, who's a political newbie.

Trump-endorsed Blake Masters won the GOP primary to challenge Democrat Mark Kelly for the Senate in Arizona.

A hideous entrenched character named Rusty Bowers, who was the term-limited state House speaker, lost his primary for a state Senate seat in Arizona after a string of anti-electoral integrity moves on his part, as well as collaborations with Democrats against GOP voter wishes, to Trump's endorsed state senator, David Farnsworth.

Trump-endorsed Kari Lake took the lead in the counting for the governor's primary race in Arizona over Mike Pence's endorsed Karrin Taylor Robson and will probably have the GOP nomination for governor.

Best of all, Arizona is not Georgia...Republicans nominated Mark Finchem as its candidate for the secretary of state's office, and it wasn't close.  Axios spit it out this way:

  • Trump-endorsed Mark Finchem, an unrelenting supporter of 2020 election conspiracy theories, will be the Republican nominee for secretary of state, Arizona's top election official.

...which tells you all you need to know about why this race was important.  The continuous shenanigans going on in Arizona's electoral system have been stopped in time by at least half of Arizona's voters who are among the many Americans who view electoral fraud as a major problem in the U.S. today.  This has got to be the sweetest in this string of victories for Trump.

Intriguingly, Axios noted that many of the candidates who won were seen as the more beatable by Democrats, who "meddled" (Axios's word) in the GOP primaries.  But with a GOP sweep predicted for November, it could be the mother of all backfires.

What it does show is that Trump still has mojo — and political muscle.  His "fight" still means something to voters, who obviously miss his presidency and keenly feel that were there not election fraud, he'd still be president.  It should serve as a bellwether to election cheats everywhere that cheating creates these groundswells.  Joe Biden & Co. may be making plans to cheat harder come November, but if the vote is strong enough, they can't cheat.  One hopes that as Trump savors these primary victories, Joe Biden and the NeverTrumps are now sweating.

Image: Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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