Trump and Obama — Democrats using Nazi techniques to alter history

Often attributed to Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's lead propagandist, is the phrase "accuse the other side of that of which you are guilty."  Turns out, the Democrats are masters at employing Nazi Machiavellianism, and frequently point the finger at the right for being guilty of spreading misinformation.

So, as we near the November midterms, it's worth recalling some of the most egregious instances of Democrat lies.

For years, the media and other Democrats falsely claimed that Obama was tough on Russia and Trump was soft on Putin.  That is laughable, as the truth is quite the opposite.

One of the first things Obama did when he took office was to renege on our commitment to Poland and the Czech Republic to put up defense shields — certainly pleasing Putin.  The Guardian reported that the pledge to shore up defenses in the European countries "had long soured relations with Russia."  Then, in 2012, when Obama ran for re-election, he was infamously caught on a hot mic telling former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev that he would be flexible, not tough — to this, Medvedev replied, "I will transmit this information to Vladimir [Putin]."

Obama repeatedly refused military aid to Ukraine when Russia attacked, allowing Putin to take Crimea.  According to USA Today:

The White House refused to include weapons in an aid package announced Thursday for embattled Ukraine despite an impassioned plea by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko for more military assistance.

The Obama administration is providing $46 million in non-lethal security assistance and $7 million for relief organizations providing humanitarian assistance to Ukrainians affected by the conflict between government forces and Russian-backed separatists in the eastern region.

The White House announcement came shortly after Poroshenko stood before a joint session of Congress and pleaded for more political support and military equipment beyond the non-lethal aid the United States has pledged.

Poroshenko said blankets and night-vision goggles from the USA are important, 'but one cannot win a war with blankets!'

Obama worked very hard to improve the financial situation of terroristic regimes like Iran and Cuba, as they were great trading partners to Russia.  Typical of the weak and backwards foreign policy of Democrats — there is nothing smarter than building up tyrants so they can buy more weapons from other tyrants.

Trump, on the other hand...

During his first year in office, President Trump negotiated deals to supply Poland with a missile shield, providing the nation with a proper defense against Russia:

In a move set to counter Russia's reinforcement on NATO's borders, Poland and the U.S. have agreed that Warsaw will purchase the American-made Patriot air defense missile, the Polish government announced Thursday.

Trump supplied Ukraine with lethal weapons and secured American energy independence, severing the reliance on Russian energy, which harmed Russia's cash flow.

Trump also prodded NATO members to ramp up their spending so they could better defend against Russian aggression — and finally, eleven nations met the requirements of their NATO commitments.

Trump pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal and implemented tough sanctions, which harmed Russia.  Then he imposed sanctions directly on the Russian pipeline — which have since been undone under Biden.

Based on the evidence, the Putin Puppet is not Trump; rather, it is Obama or Biden.

It is no wonder that Putin attacked Ukraine while Obama was in office, and while Biden is in office, but refrained during Trump's years.  The legacies of Democrat presidents are ones of Russian leniency, yet they perpetuate the claim that Trump was the Putin Puppet.  Without fail, misinformation almost exclusively emanates from one side of the political aisle — and that's the Democrats and their leftist media comrades.

Image: Fernando Fleitas from Pixabay, Pixabay License, free for commercial use, no attribution required.

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