The problem with Elon Musk's advice for the Republican Party

A few days back, celebrated African-American multibillionaire and entrepreneur Elon Musk was at a private gathering hosted by House minority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) in Jackson, Wyoming.

When asked by one donor how the GOP could improve its platform, Musk said Republicans should project a more compassionate stance to voters and be more welcoming toward immigrants.

Despite attending the GOP retreat, Musk reiterated his centrist views.

So should the GOP adopt a more "compassionate stance" toward immigration?

So let's first look at the illegal immigration situation.

According to Homeland Security, more than 2.5 million illegal aliens crossed the southern border since Biden took over.  The actual number, which includes those who evaded the authorities, must be considerably higher.

So would it be an act of compassion to welcome everyone who crosses the border or overstays his visa?

When droves of illegal migrants enter the U.S., they are usually resettled in working-class localities.  The migrants would not be permitted to be even in the vicinity of affluent localities such as the ones where the likes of Musk reside.

Hence, while Musk demands compassion, it is the working class who suffers the consequences of the migrant influx.

For every locality, the infrastructure such as roads, bridges, pavements, parks, etc.; facilities such as schools, colleges, universities, libraries, hospitals; and personnel such as firefighters, law enforcement officials, etc. are directly proportional to the number of citizens.

The taxpayers fund the construction and maintenance of infrastructure and facilities and the salaries of personnel working at these facilities.

What happens when a locality is flooded with illegal migrants?

The infrastructure meant for citizens is overrun by non-citizens.

For instance, last September, thousands of migrants, mostly from Haiti, crowded under the Del Rio International Bridge in Texas as agents worked as quickly as they could to process them.  There are myriad other instances where places meant for citizens are illegally occupied and are subjected to numerous unhygienic practices.

Citizens no longer feel safe using facilities meant for them.

These migrants could also be carriers of infections such as COVID-19 or Monkeypox.  This makes them an additional risk to citizens and a potential burden on the medical infrastructure.

There have been reports of countries such as Mexico emptying their prisons.  What if these elements are being sent to the U.S.?  The Democrats have been calling for defunding the police, while the FBI is occupied persecuting political opponents of the Democrats.

The citizen, once again, could be the victim of the most heinous crimes as a result of this.

Another consequence of the open border is the smuggling of illicit drugs.  The Wall Street Journal reported that drug overdose deaths in 2021 topped 100,000 for the first time in a calendar year.

Human-trafficking has become a lucrative criminal market in the U.S.  The victims are usually tortured, exploited, and subjected to slavery.  The Southwest border is the biggest point of illegal entry into the U.S. and hence a boon for human-traffickers.  In this situation, the involuntary migrant is the victim.

There are consequences for employment as well. 

For instance, when summer fruits and vegetables ripen in farms and orchards, the work of harvesting quickly is vital.  The citizen either has to settle for a lesser wage or is rendered unemployed when illegal migrants work for much less than minimum wages.

Quite often, big corporations prefer to hire illegal migrants and pay them meager daily wages rather than hire citizens and pay them their wages and benefits.  This is why open borders were once termed a "right-wing scheme" by leftists like Bernie Sanders: those leftists were once the champions of the working class.  

It must therefore be inferred that defending the border and restricting illegal migration is a compassionate act.

Musk also said that immigration is a key part of maintaining a strong economy and cited his own decision to relocate from his native South Africa to the U.S.

Musk used the word "immigration" without distinguishing between illegal and legal immigration.

When individuals decide to migrate to the U.S. legally, they have to apply for a visa.  They are subjected to a thorough background vetting and a thorough interview. 

Few in the U.S. would oppose giving citizenship or visas to individuals such as Elon Musk who are talented and industrious such that they contribute to the growth of the economy.  Most importantly, they embrace the freedoms and values of the U.S.

But immigration, irrespective of legality, is not a right.  It is a privilege.

The perils of unvetted and unfettered immigration from alien cultures can hardly be exaggerated. 

Every country and state is known for its culture.  If foreigners overwhelm the locality, it causes an erosion of their culture.  At times, one sees a spike in the most heinous crimes, never before seen there, such as "honor killings" and violence against blasphemy.  

Even legal immigration has its risks.  The 9-11 hijackers were in the U.S. legally on temporary visas.

The well-being of the citizen should be the sole interest of any government or political party.

If there is a situation where a nation is suffering hardships due to a weak economy or if citizens are unemployed, it is an act of compassion toward the citizen to stop legal immigration and focus on the citizen.

Musk also reportedly said the country would improve if Republicans "stayed out of people's bedrooms."

Perhaps Musk forgot that it was the Democrats who applied deeply intrusive and extreme measures using the pretext of COVID-19.

It was the Democrats who ordered lockdowns that imposed restrictions on movement, access to public spaces, and public assembly.  There have been instances of police arresting and fining individuals for merely attending a party or being part of religious gatherings

Vaccine mandates that were promoted by Democrats eliminated the freedom of choice, which Democrats promote as a right.

The Biden administration mandated vaccines for health care workers, military personnel, and non-citizen air travelers.  It also attempted to mandate the vaccine for private-sector employees but failed.

Back in April, Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified that the Department of Homeland Security had set up a Disinformation Governance Board that would "equip local communities to identify individuals who could be descending into violence by reason of ideologies, hate, false narratives, or other disinformation and misinformation propagated on social media and other platforms."

To sum it up, the Democrats were intending to sit in judgment of the public utterances of citizens.  The Biden administration claims that the Disinformation Board has been "paused," which means it could return or that it still operates covertly. 

Musk must understand that it is the Democrats who want big government that intrudes in people's private lives, entering not only the bedroom, but the entire house and people's bodies, too. 

Musk had better realize that the GOP, particularly the MAGA wing, is the only group that stands for freedom and choice.

Image: JD Lasica via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0 (cropped).

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