Now it's 'mega-floods' that will destroy the whole world

This time, it is mega-floods in California replacing mega-droughts, and again they are supposedly caused by us and fossil fuels.  Not once do journalists give a damn that their previous dire predictions have been 100% false. 

To the compliant, complicit media, and other Democrats, floods, droughts, too much snow, too little snow, record cold, record warmth are all caused by us, instead of cyclical and natural.  The solution is always bigger government and more control of our lives.  It is arrogant and ignorant for anyone to pretend they can control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activities if we just hand over trillions of dollars and let bureaucrats and politicians control all aspects of our lives. 

As with long droughts, mega-floods occurred long before humans, fossil fuels, cows, cars, power plants, and everything else we are told causes warming and looming disaster could have been the cause.

It says that an extreme monthlong storm could bring feet of rain — in some places, more than 100 inches — to hundreds of miles of California. Similarly unrelenting storms have happened in the past, before the region became home to tens of millions of people.

Experts warn California of a disaster 'larger than any in world history.' It's not an earthquake.

Megadrought may be the main weather concern across the West right now amid the constant threat of wildfires and earthquakes. But a new study warns another crisis is looming in California: "Megafloods."

Climate change is increasing the risk of floods that could submerge cities and displace millions of people across the state, according to a study released Friday.

It says that an extreme monthlong storm could bring feet of rain — in some places, more than 100 inches — to hundreds of miles of California. Similarly unrelenting storms have happened in the past, before the region became home to tens of millions of people.

Now, each degree of global warming is dramatically increasing the odds and size of the next megaflood, the study says.

Why do they call people "experts" when their predictions of doom and gloom have been so wrong?. 

Something you will never see in these articles by Democrat campaign workers, posing as journalists, is any evidence that they did any research or asked any questions.  Facts have been irrelevant to most of the media for a long time. 

Not once have they shown a direct link or correlation connecting fossil fuel consumption, temperature, sea levels, or storms, because there is none. 

Policies should be based on facts, not easily manipulated computer models that have always been wrong. 

It is truly pathetic and dangerous that the media are willing to support the intentional destruction of tens of millions of jobs, directly and indirectly related to fossil fuels, and our quality of life, based on talking points and computer models. 

The reason people who tell the truth that the climate has always changed cyclically and naturally are disparaged and called deniers and anti-science is to intentionally mislead the public.  The pushers of this destructive, extremist agenda, including Kerry, Pelosi, AOC, Gore, Gates, Bloomberg, Harris, and Schumer, would get their clocks cleaned in a debate based on actual scientific data. 

Most journalists could easily be replaced by a mimeograph machine or a stone tablet.  It is a shame they wasted so much money going to college in order to repeat or reprint talking points. 

Image via Pexels.

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