More problems emerge with the Mar-a-Lago affidavit

Paul Sperry is an independent journalist who pays attention to facts rather than following the mindless herd that is the mainstream media.  That's why he closely examined the Mar-a-Lago affidavit — or, at least, the parts that remained after the DOJ was done with redacting it.  That examination was fruitful because Sperry discovered all sorts of problems and inconsistencies on the document's face (what little of it we can see).  Also, I'll use this post to remind everyone again that nothing in Trump's possession is classified or can ever be considered classified (or top secret or anything else).

Twitter booted Sperry from the site within a short time of his August 9 tweet (very soon after the Mar-a-Lago raid) saying that there was speculation that the FBI conducted the raid to grab copies of documents related to the Russia Hoax.  Despite the ban, Sperry is continuing to investigate and, with the help of friends, disseminating the results of his investigations.

Image: Mar-a-Lago.  YouTube screen grab.

This time around, Sperry has noticed some very strange anomalies in the available portions of the heavily redacted affidavit that purports to justify raiding the property of a former United States president:

That's heavy-duty stuff: suspiciously cagey language, potential traps, possible destruction of evidence harming the FBI, and a list of proven hoaxes against Trump.  No wonder Twitter doesn't want Sperry on the site: he's the truth bomb that could blow up all the lies about Mar-a-Lago.

And while I'm talking about Mar-a-Lago, I found the following on Facebook, and it needs to be addressed:

Because our images are deleted after 6 weeks to preserve space on the server, let me list what it says (highlights in original):

Found in the 15 boxes at Mar-a-Lago

Retrieved in January 2022

184 unique classified documents

92 secret documents

67 confidential documents

25 top secret documents

ABC News

Every single one of those highlighted words is completely wrong.  Those classifications (which should not have been leaked, of course) come from pencil-pushers — that is, hired bureaucrats assigned those classifications to the documents.  There is only one person in the land who can officially classify and declassify documents, and that is the president of the United States.  He gets that plenary power through the Constitution and the will of We the People, who elected him.

To the extent bureaucrats assign classifications to documents, they do so only through delegated power.  No matter how many little red rubber stamps they use to mark up documents, it is the president who has the final say.  Not the Department of Justice, not the FBI, and certainly not some soggy little bureaucrats in the National Archives.

In this case, Trump issued a standing order declassifying all documents related to the Russia Hoax.  That is enough to override everything else.  But even if he hadn't given a standing order, his plenary power means that, when he acted in a way that effectively declassified the documents, that action had the full force and effect of a verbal order doing so.  The power is all his.  Because there's no evidence that Biden tried to re-classify the documents, they are declassified, and everything to the contrary is sheer ignorance or a blatant lie.  (This charge of ignorance or dishonesty applies to RINO GOP senator Roy Blunt, too.)

The Mar-a-Lago raid gets stinkier with every passing day, and the media are spinning more frantically.  I only hope Trump's lawyers and spokespeople are capable and can make the right case both in the court (which has no right to override Trump's declassification actions) and to the American people.

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