After Arizona's primary, Mark Kelly is starting to sweat

Tuesday's primary in Arizona, after a long and extended count, has come back with a solidly Trump-endorsed result.

Do Democrats have reason to worry?  Well, Townhall's Katie Pavlich has noticed that incumbent Democrat Sen. Mark Kelly, who will face off against Trump-endorsed Republican Blake Masters, who won in a cakewalk, certainly sounds nervous:

In an email to supporters, Kelly noted the strength of Masters' Trump endorsement and fretted about low fundraising dollars. 

"It's official: We have our Republican opponent in Arizona. Here's what that means for our race: Experts all over the country agree: Arizona is going to be one of the closest races in the country this year. And now that the stage is set for November, all eyes are on us," Kelly wrote. "My opponent has the full support and endorsement of Donald Trump. So we can expect more rallies and attacks from the former president aimed at amping up his base. All the strength Trump can drum up is on its way."

"I know you've gotten a lot of emails from me recently, but we can't start the general election off on the wrong foot. And right now, we're falling behind our fundraising goals," he continued. "The amount isn't as important as the donation itself, because it's going to take A LOT of people chipping in as much as they can to reach our goal. Help us fight back and win this November."

So he's got fundraising problems, and he's worried about the Trump effect, something that polite society has always assured us was the kiss of death to candidates.

Yes, he ought to be worried.  Perhaps he's taken a look at his own voting record, because Arizona's voters probably have.

According to the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC):

Instead of putting the needs of Arizonans first, Mark Kelly has proven that he is nothing more than a reliable vote for Chuck Schumer's radical, far-Left agenda. In fact, Mark Kelly has voted with Chuck Schumer 98% of the time — and with Bernie Sanders 94% of the time.

This is pretty embarrassing, particularly as it combines with his flaming hypocrisy:

On the campaign trail, Mark Kelly repeatedly touted his "independent," nonpartisan spirit:


Voters hate that kind of phoniness, and this clown has been leaning on Kyrsten Sinema to actually show some independence, something even she caved on with the badly misnamed "Inflation Reduction Act" of 2022. 

With her joining him, it's just his naked record now.

The border surge, inflation, the failures of public education, and now this legislative monstrosity are going to be major problems for Kelly going forward, given the number of Hispanic voters who now make up at least 24% of the electorate in Arizona (I've seen higher, with some sites reporting 30%), all of which amounts to a fourfold increase over the last two decades. 

Let's look at how the Blake victory and several of the others came out:

First, the Blake victory came about by the high percentage of independent voters in Arizona's open primaries.  Who are these independent voters?  They come in all demographics, but Hispanic voters, at last count, are 49% independent.

Wow.  And they pulled the lever for Trump's man Blake.

Here's another one.

According to local station KOLD 13:

TUCSON, Ariz. (KOLD News 13) — It's estimated that 644,600 Latino voters will cast a ballot in the 2022 midterm elections in Arizona this year, a record number.

That estimate made by the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials.

"At the end of the day, one of the things we always say, the Latino vote shouldn't be taken for granted," said Dorian Caal, the director of research for NALEO.

And with numbers that large, and Caal says that's a conservative estimate, no one will be taking the Latino vote for granted.

Hear that?  Record numbers.  KOLD 13 starts its report well but slides into idiocy when it quotes a Latino establishment NGO activist who claims that global warming is what's bothering Latinos.

"There are also other issues that are important that we sometimes don't associate with the community," Caal said. "Climate for example, climate change more specifically."

Really?  A recent Rasmussen survey found that "climate change" ranks rock bottom with voters across the board, and particularly low as a concern with Hispanic voters.  I am sure the issue is important to the well suited lefty foundation activist.

Now let's get to what is going to hit Latino voters hard — the uncontrolled border is one, inflation is another, and education is a third, all broad issues with many factors making life hell for voters.

But the focus on Kelly may well be on Kelly, in his specific vote for the "Inflation Reduction Act" of 2022, which will be passed before the midterms as Democrats' signature accomplishment to sell to voters, or swan song, or middle finger to the electorate, before they are thrown out nationally in November.

There's lots of global warming government spending in that one — $369 billion in pork, which should keep inflation stoked for just a little longer for Hispanic voters and everyone else.  Kelly voted for it.

That may be hard to pin on Kelly, given that many voters don't know that money-printing causes inflation.

But here's something that will: tax enforcement, lots of tax enforcement in that bill Kelly plans to vote "yes" for.  The bulk of the tax enforcement planned is set to target small business, which Democrats claim will bring in revenue enough to the government to bring inflation down (by less than 1% over ten years), but supposedly worth $124 billion to the government, according to Democrat estimates.

Who owns a lot of small businesses in Arizona, which is a huge repository of small business, more than 500,000 entities, and where 91% of the jobs in the state are?

Yes, Hispanics.  At least a quarter of the state's small business owners are Hispanic, right there in proportion to their representation in the electorate, but a larger percentage compared to whites who own small businesses.

The tax enforcement contained within the "Inflation Reduction Act" that Kelly is handing his vote for is going to...hit Hispanic voters hardest.

The whole thing is premised on auditing small businesses up the wazoo, forcing them to incur legal defense expenses, to hire more accountants, and other things that small businesses do not have the resources to do.  Then, if the IRS finds something on these tiny enterprises through its newly granted massive surveillance powers or legal firepower, the small business will lose, and be subject to bankrupting fines and possibly criminal charges for the owners.  The newly minted IRS agents will be all over these small businesses, harassing all of them, looking for something to pin on them, and it's going to make being a small business owner quite a nightmare. 

Sound like a formula for success for Kelly in winning over Hispanic voters with their huge entrepreneurial sector? 

Mark Kelly — and every other Democrat in Arizona — ought to be worried once this monstrous business-hating law kicks in with all its greenie pork and "beast mode" IRS enforcement.

The reality is, they are going to take some major hits from Hispanic voters who will see the government tax apparatus Kelly has turbocharged coming after them.

It would make sense for this boob to start sweating, because his compulsive "yes man" politics in the service of Chuck Schumer targets the voters he can't afford to ignore. 

Image: Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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