The Sultan of Science returns

The Sultan of Science, Dr. Fauci himself, is back from his own personal battles with COVID after first testing positive on June 14 and then having a rebound case on the 28th.  He had mild symptoms, thanks to being vaxxed and boosted.

On a Tuesday CDC call, he was once again warning the country that a new viral surge could sweep across America due to waning immunity.  He called on yet another round of booster "vaccines" and recommended that everyone should again wear a mask when indoors claiming that the subvariant "has a transmission advantage," and that is why we are seeing an increase in cases.

To quote, this subvariant "appears to resist immunity from prior infections," and that "[i]mmunity wanes, so it is critical to stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines as primary vaccines and as booster were appropriate." 

Rochelle Walensky also opined on the same call that "[s]taying up to date on your Covid-19 vaccines provides the best protections against severe outcomes."

Severe outcomes?  Like hospitalization or even death?

The website states that while the vaccines may not stop infection, they "continue to protect against severe disease, hospitalization and death[.]"

Color me curious, but what data are they basing that claim on?  I've not heard anyone ask that question in the media, but nothing the CDC has said has proven to be true, and I'm very skeptical that vaccines offer that type of protection.  If vaxxed and boosted, you can still get COVID, can still pass it on, but you'll only get a little sick.  That doesn't pass the smell test.

Looking back, we were told that the vaccines will "keep you from getting COVID" and that they are "safe and effective."  We know that they certainly don't keep you from getting COVID or passing it along.  It might also appear that you actually are more prone to catching it after you are vaxxed and boosted.  As far as safe and effective goes, VAERS seems to disagree with that statement in a compelling way.

As their lies and half-truths were exposed, their fallback mantra became that "while you might get infected, it will protect you from serious illness, hospitalization and death."  Quite clever, actually, because you cannot prove a negative.  Case in point: An acquaintance recently had COVID for the second time (fully vaxxed and boosted) and stated that while his symptoms were very severe, he would have been "much sicker had he not been up to date with his booster."  There is simply no way to prove or disprove that claim, but I suspect he'd have felt exactly the same way with or without being vaxxed.

I wish Fauci and the rest would simply be honest about what these vaccines can do and what they can't do.  What's clear is that they want us to believe we are about to have another surge.  Their vaccines and endless boosters haven't stopped it, yet they are doubling down on the same course of action.

I'd like to see a change of direction, but so long as the Sultan of Science is still employed, the change we'll likely see is yet another new definition for "vaccine" and "vaccination."

Image: David Hill.

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