Joe Biden and Novak Djokovic

President Joe Biden, double-vaxxed and double-boosted, has contracted COVID, demonstrating in the most public way imaginable the falsity of the promise that the vaccines would protect a person from getting the dreaded virus.  And now the public is being told that everything will be fine, that President Biden is isolating — except for the photographer(s) who took pictures of him — and that there is nothing to worry about despite his advanced age and other health issues.

So the vaccines at best limit the severity of COVID but do not prevent transmission, and if an elderly man contracts it, there is really nothing to be concerned about — according to White House sources.

Meanwhile, Novak Djokovic, a 35-year-old athlete in excellent physical health, is being prevented from entering the United States to compete in the United States Open tennis tournament late next month for a chance to follow up on his win at Wimbledon.

This is due to the policy of the United States government, whose chief executive is assuring us that vaccines don't prevent transmission of the virus:

[T]he U.S. Open said that while it does not have its own vaccination mandate in place for players, it will respect the U.S. government's position regarding travel into the country for unvaccinated non-U.S. citizens.

The U.S. requires non-citizens to be fully vaccinated against Covid in order to ent[er] the country. As a result, Djokovic, who has repeatedly expressed that he will not take the vaccine, would not be allowed entry into the country.

There is no conceivable justification for excluding Djokovic or anyone else from entry to the United States now that we know from the pinnacle of the federal government's executive power that vaccines do not stop the spread of COVID.  The same is true of policies still being enforced that fire people for resisting the vaccines, including members of the armed forces right in the middle of a recruitment crisis for the military.

Of course, we've known for quite a while about the utter failure of the vaccines to do the job we were promised they would do and "stop the spread."  But now that the illness of the most prominent advocate of vaccination proves the falsity of the premise for excluding the unvaxxed from the workplace or from entry to the United States, it's time to junk the useless and costly requirements.  Biden is not shy about using executive orders.  It's time he issues one that makes sense and end the federal government's vaccine mandates.

Photo credit: Carine06CC BY-SA 2.0 license.

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