Biden goes nuclear

I mean that, literally.  In his zeal to end the burning of carbon-based fuels, Biden wants to turn to nuclear power.

It is no secret to most seeing these words that President Biden's war on fossil fuels is a great, regressive disaster.

But as the old saying goes, every cloud has its silver lining, and Biden's war on fossil fuels does come with a shining silver lining.  It is this: in Biden's zeal to eliminate all forms of energy consumption and use that involve burning of carbon-based fuels, he seems to favor development of nuclear power.

As well he should.  Because nuclear is as carbon-friendly as windmills or solar parks and is a lot more reliable.

This claim actually could come as a surprise to anyone seeing these words.  We are all accustomed to understanding that Biden is in thrall to leftist environmentalists, people who dislike all forms of energy production, even "green" ones.

There's never, ever been an energy project anywhere that couldn't find some leftist Luddites coming up with reasons to oppose it.  Damming up the Bay of Fundy for hydro power? — an idea which, by the way, was originally proposed by the FDR administration and has never gone anywhere thanks to environmentalist opposition.

Windmills on the mountaintops of the Green Mountains in Vermont, where a lot of wind blows?  Can't have that; it would spoil the view.  (And in this, perhaps the environmentalists aren't entirely wrong.  I recently drove in northern Germany along the Baltic Sea coast from Lübeck to the Polish border, and every mile I drove, I saw dozens of ugly windmills, ruining what otherwise is a very peaceful, pretty, pastoral, largely empty stretch of God's Green Earth.  I must have seen thousands of them.  Even at night, there was no relief from the madness, because each ugly windmill was decorated with dozens of red flashing warning lights.)

Governor Terminator in California once moaned about opposition to a proposed solar park way back in the outback regions of the Mojave Desert.  Gov. Arnold moaned, if you can't build a solar park even in the Mojave Desert, then where can you build one?

Biden has made a number of pro-nuclear statements within the past few weeks.

First were remarks he made at Schloß Elmau in Krün, Germany on June 26 at the recent G7 conference.

And in Romania, the American company, NuScale Power, will build a first-of-its-kind small modular reactor plant.  This will help bring online zero-emission nuclear energy to Europe faster, more cheaply, and more efficiently.

Almost three weeks later on July 15, when Biden visited Saudi Arabia, in his late-night press conference, he said:

(2:55) – ...Saudi Arabia will also partner with us on a far-reaching clean energy initiative focused on green hydrogen, solar, carbon capture, nuclear, and other projects to a seller to accelerate the world's clean energy transition...

As usual, all words are guaranteed verbatim.

Then on Wednesday, in what promises to be Biden's final public utterances for the foreseeable future, because he's been tested positive with China virus despite having received the jab and not one, but two boosters, he made three separate remarks about nuclear power.

(10:42) – ...In Wyoming, innovators are chosen, to reh, a retiring plant as the next site for the next-generation nuclear plant.  In my understraight, my administration is a partner...

(11:24) – ...Through the Infrastructure Law, we're investing in clean hydrogen, nuclear, and carbon capture...

(12:21) – ...We have to keep retaining and recruiting building trades and union electricians for jobs in wind, solar, hydrogen, nuclear...

Of course, it makes perfect sense.  Nuclear power always did.

The reason these announcements pleasantly surprise us is because Brandon has worked so hard to condition us to low expectations.  To paraphrase what John the Evangelist (John 1:46) asked rhetorically about Nazareth, "Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?"  What good ever comes out of the Biden administration?  Well, here is a small answer to that question.

Image: Picryl.

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