Recounts in South Texas

It's not over yet for Representative Henry Cuellar.  He thinks he won by fewer than 200 votes, but Jessica Cisneros, his opponent, is not accepting that.  So a recount is coming, according to the Texas Tribune:

Progressive candidate Jessica Cisneros announced Monday she will request a recount in the hard-fought Democratic primary runoff against U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo, after she finished 281 votes behind him.

Another Democrat in a key South Texas congressional race, Ruben Ramirez, also said Monday he will ask for a recount. He finished 30 votes behind Michelle Vallejo for the open seat in the 15th District.

The recount announcements came shortly after the Texas Democratic Party certified its primary runoff results, confirming the margins for Cuellar and Vallejo that counties finalized last week.

So the party confirmed the results, but the progressives say, not so fast.  Do you smell a little conflict between the AOCs and the centrists?

What a nightmare for the Texas Democrat party.  They want Rep. Cuellar and Miss Vallejo running in November.  They know that the GOP is in great shape to flip these districts.  And they know quite well that progressives won't win those districts against a red wave.

The nightmare of nightmares.  Who is going to put this party back together after the recounts and recriminations?

PS: Click for my videos and podcasts at Canto Talk.

Image: RawPixel/Carol M.

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