Leftists vent their fury on a Portland pregnancy center

The right of the people of the United States of America to regulate abortion in their own bailiwick was barely restored before the backlash began.  Liberals who see motherhood as a devastating handicap weighed in.  Politicians, celebrities, and the corporate world moved swiftly to denounce the overturn of Roe v. Wade.  Protests spread across the country.  In New York, protesters joined the LGBT community during their celebration of Pride Weekend.  The irony of celebrating the achievements of people who were once marginalized while demanding to keep a segment of the population marginalized did not seem to occur to anyone.  No one mentioned the history of violence against gays as they marched for the LGBT community while demanding to go on committing acts of violence against the unborn.

The strangest protest of all came in Eugene, Oregon, where pro-choice protesters descended on Dove Medical.  The police were called.  The protest turned violent.  Ten people were arrested.

Image: Leftist flyer for protest at Dove Medical Center.  Twitter screen grab.

Dove Medical is a pregnancy center.  They do not perform abortions, nor do they provide referrals for abortions.  What they do provide are counseling services to help women decide what they want to do about an unplanned pregnancy.  Their website states, "There are many reasons why women choose abortion.  For some women it is a simple choice, for others, it can be deeply emotional.  Only you know how you feel.  Dove Medical is here to listen as you process through these thoughts and feelings. ... Dove Medical offers pregnancy diagnosis, decision coaching, and accurate information about all pregnancy options; however, we do not offer or refer for abortion services."  Dove Medical also offers adoption and parenting counseling.

In other words, Dove Medical is as pro-choice as it gets.  Whatever a woman wants, be it an orphan who can be adopted or an abortion or the woman's own healthy, happy baby, Dove Medical is there to help her with her choice.  The violent protest against Dove Medical makes it clear that the pro-choice crowd will accept nothing less than the capitulation to their wish that abortion be considered a positive good, and they will not tolerate a medical clinic that offers the choice of motherhood to a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy.

Pandra Selivanov is the author of The Pardon, a story of forgiveness based on the thief on the cross in the Bible. 

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