Tomorrow belongs to Nina

The "January 6 Commission," it appears, is an attempt to replicate the public apprehension surrounding the 1933 Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany, after which a new law was implemented — it was called the "Editor's Law."

It very specifically ordered the elimination of Jewish reporters, editors, etc. from the media.  But it also instituted other terrifying regulations, including Section 14:

Editors are especially obligated to keep out of the newspapers anything which:
a. is misleading to the public by mixing selfish interests with community interests;
b. tends to weaken the strength of the German Reich, in foreign relations or domestically; the sense of community of the German people; German defense capability, culture, or the economy; or offends the religious sentiments of others;
c. offends the honour and dignity of Germany;
d. illegally offends the honour or the well-being of another, hurts his reputation, or ridicules or disparages him;
e. is immoral for other reasons.

Besides the obvious Naziness of the order, it also mentioned, in the first section: 

the Involvement in the shaping of the intellectual contents of the newspapers or political periodicals published in the Reich, whether through writing, news reporting, or illustration or through appointment as chief editor, is a public function, regulated by the state through this law.

The "shaping of the intellectual contents" of information available to the public is exactly what the Homeland Security "working group" is intent upon doing.

Turning to the more specific aspects of the new "working group," (or Arbiettsgruppe, to continue the previous theme), the appointment of Nina Jankowicz should terrify even the most jaded denizen of the D.C. swamp.  From trying to sing for her supper to dressing like a Babylon 5 extra (here it is if you can handle it), it is clearly obvious that she will say or do anything to advance her erstwhile career.  One note to Nina: Kafka's The Trial was meant to be a terrifying warning of bureaucratic dystopia, not a career blueprint.

In the end, the public and the media have to decide if they will allow themselves to lie to themselves and be lied to by anyone else just to make life simpler.

Maybe it's time to choose neither.

Thomas Buckley is the former mayor of Lake Elsinore and a former newspaper reporter.  He is currently the operator of a small communications and planning consultancy and can be reached directly at You can read more of his work at:

Image: Pixabay.

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