Parental pushback against sexualizing public school children is working

The lockdowns revealed America's public school classrooms to parents, and many of them were dismayed by what they were seeing.  They thought their kids were learning reading, writing, and arithmetic and were dismayed to learn that their children were, instead, getting instruction in the finer points of gender identity and racism.  To Democrats' dismay, parents across America began to push back against this kind of instruction.  What's fascinating is that these hardcore ideological teachers may not wait to be fired, but might leave voluntarily.

The Washington Post's article was meant to tug at readers' heartstrings: "This Florida teacher married [sic] a woman.  Now she's not a teacher anymore."  The article title and the tweet strongly imply that this woman found her two true loves — a fellow female and the joy of educating children — only to be fired because there's no room in Florida for both:

The paywall blocks me from checking in with the article, but Twitchy dug out the important part: the teacher wasn't fired; she quit:

As a reminder, Florida does not ban gays, lesbians, or even so-called transgender people from teaching in schools there.  Nor does it ban the word "gay."  Instead, it says teachers cannot teach or promote sexuality in K–3 classrooms.  It's funny how, because she couldn't proselytize, that teacher wanted to leave...

Billie Zemora, an Indiana teacher who is also an advocate for "LGBTQIA+ youth rights," also quit when the school district explained to her that she's not her students' parent:

Note, please, Zemora’s disgust (complete with eye roll) with the idea that it’s parents, not teachers, who have the final say regarding a child’s values?

While they are here, while the students are with us, we are acting ‘in loco parento’ [sic], which apparently means we are acting in place of the parents and so, therefore, we have to abide by what a parent wishes when it comes to preferred names and pronouns...which just, like, isn’t true. So because of this I have resigned.

Note, please, Zemora's disgust (complete with eye roll) with the idea that it's parents, not teachers, who have the final say regarding a child's values?

While they are here, while the students are with us, we are acting 'in loco parento' [sic], which apparently means we are acting in place of the parents and so, therefore, we have to abide by what a parent wishes when it comes to preferred names and pronouns...which just, like, isn't true. So because of this I have resigned.

Every parent should be grateful.

There's another thing you might have noticed.  Zemora identifies herself with a nonsensical pile-on of labels: "queer...lesbian...non-binary."  Queer means she has same-sex attractions.  Because she's obviously a woman, lesbianism is implied.  But she also claims to be non-binary, which means neither male nor female.  That negates the claimed lesbianism.  This gibberish indicates that the whole LGBTQ+++ madness today is fake.

Yes, the above stories are an "n" of just two, but they hint that, when radical teachers are brought to understand that the classroom is not their personal forum for indoctrinating students with their values, they quickly abandon the rooms.  They're clearly not interested in teaching.

The next change needs to attack teachers who use their walls as propaganda tools.  When I went to school, teachers were allowed to personalize the classroom with, maybe, a flowerpot.  Everything else had to be dedicated to the curriculum.  These kinds of teachers also need to be brought to heel so the classroom is dedicated to education, not ideology:

On a related subject, we've been told repeatedly that there's no way to deport the 11, 20, or 30 million illegal aliens in America.  Well, maybe not.  But as these radical teachers show, if you make life uncomfortable enough for them, they'll leave voluntarily.  In that regard, it's entirely possible that the Biden administration's economy-killing policies may cause a large exodus of illegal aliens who decide that they'd rather live in a country, such as Mexico, where they can buy formula for their babies.

Image: A teacher using her classroom as a place for leftist indoctrination.  Twitter screen grab.

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