Let’s choose life for public school children

This time it’s Uvalde, Texas.

The killer was mentally unbalanced, many people died, law enforcement killed the killer, and politicians trumpet “We need to do something!”

Same pattern, same outcome, same rhetoric, same hand wringing without action.

Right. Something should be done. Politicians, school officials, and law enforcement have been saying that for years.

The left gins up its traditional run at the Second Amendment, hoping to use the crisis to disarm the American citizenry. But no proposal is relevant. The problem is immune to anti-gun legislation. There is no law that will keep deranged killers from getting guns.

The problem is not that there are too many guns. The problem is that there are not enough guns in the right places. The essence of the problem is that, when the little killer gets off the bus, he is assured that he is the only one at school carrying a gun. Change that assurance and the problem goes away.

There are in reality only two lines of solution to the problem: (1) Close the government schools and send the kids to private school or home school and (2) arm the schools.

Image: Classroom by creativeart.

Solution #1 would solve a lot of problems besides the mass slaughter problem. All the outrages of Critical Race Theory, homosexual and transsexual grooming, and anti-American propaganda would disappear in one fell swoop.

Many parents who think they are financially unable to home school will learn otherwise from the many home school programs available on the internet. And some mama bears will be able to induce their church boards to create programs supportive of homeschooling.

Solution #2 might be approximated by providing a school cop. However, merely having a school cop is not arming the school. There is no way the cop is going to be where he is needed at the moment he is needed there. Even the most insane little killer will be clever enough to avoid the school cop (or to shoot him first).

No, the only way to “arm” the school is to arm the teachers. Every teacher should carry openly, with a handgun on hip or carbine slung over shoulder. What’s that you say? Some teachers will refuse? Fine. Fire them and replace them with teachers willing to protect the children.

Some will object to this by saying they don’t want to live in a society with armed teachers. Right. I agree. I also don’t want to live in a post-Christian society in which government encourages the mob violence destroying our inner cities. But it is what it is.

Let’s choose life!

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