Does the IRS really need more money?

The Washington Post reports with the dutifulness of a stenographer that the IRS is "underfunded."  Its unquestioned claims usually come around every time Joe Biden wants to hire more IRS agents and expand the tax agency's budget.

President Biden and top Democrats proposed boosting the IRS budget, arguing that the agency had been severely underfunded and understaffed for decades before the added responsibilities.

Underfunded?  Backlogged?

Maybe IRS employees should have gone to the office the last two years, as most of us did, instead of working remotely.  Then they could have opened the mail. 

Last year, I sent in a check for $5,000 to the IRS in April to pay my balance.

The IRS opened the envelope, pulled out the check, and deposited the check, but in January, I got an automated letter that said they couldn't find that I had filed a return.

I was going to send a copy until I saw that two other returns I had mailed got the same letter after they cashed the check. 

Therefore, I sent them a letter that said it was their problem, and they would find it. 

Maybe they should have done their job of administering the tax code instead of being used as political pawns during the Obama and Biden years to target and silence political opponents. 

Maybe they should do their job instead of illegally releasing tax records of people whom they dislike, such as Donald Trump.  Somehow people like Lois Lerner and other IRS employees never get punished for their illegal activities.  They are above the law. 

Maybe they should do their job instead of always lobbying for more money for themselves.

Tax revenues have continued to soar under President Trump's reduced tax rates, so why do the media and other Democrats continue to intentionally lie to the public that the tax cuts cost the government trillions of dollars?

Because facts and results never matter to them.  They care only about more power for the government.

Why do most journalists and other Democrats continue to support higher rates when lower rates have clearly raised more money and helped the private sector?  Because results never matter — only power for the government.  Such as here:

U.S. sees biggest revenue surge in 44 years despite pandemic

Revenues jumped 18 percent in the fiscal year that just ended, analysts say — the biggest one-year increase since 1977.

The WaPo and other media outlets are consistent.  They always want more money for bureaucrats whose salaries and benefits dwarf those of the private sector.  The more government bureaucrats there are, the more powerful and rich D.C. becomes. 

The way to help the IRS is to stop making its agents waste so much time sending checks to so many people in the U.S., in an attempt to buy votes, and which contribute greatly to the current devastating inflation.  In other words, make them just administer the tax code. 

Image: PexelsPexels License.

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