More than a woman?

Once upon a time, we kinda knew what a woman was. 

We wrote songs about them, such as the Bee Gees' "More than a Woman" and Elvis's "Hard-Headed Woman."

I don't recall dancing to "More than a Woman" and wondering what they were crooning about.  It was all of those sultry ladies on the dance floor whom the song was about.

Unfortunately, some people in high places don't know that anymore.

Yesterday, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson said this in answering a question:

"Can you provide a definition for the word 'woman?'" the senator asked.

"Can I provide a definition? No," Jackson responded. "I can't."

"You can't?" Blackburn asked.

"Not in this context, I'm not a biologist," the judge replied.

Not long ago, a judge who would answer a question like that would have been mocked from coast to coast.

The feminist movement would have reminded the judge that the 19th Amendment specifically mentioned women, or the sex denied their right to vote for years.  No confusion on what a woman was when they passed that one.

No confusion, either, when they voted for Title IX and opened opportunities for women in sports.

No confusion when feminists used to say the Declaration of Independence did not say that all men and women were created equal.

The left is crazy and pretending to be progressive or inclusive with nonsense like this.  What leftists are doing is mocking biology and confusing the heck out of young people. 

They are also making fools of themselves, pandering to the crazy left wing in their party.

Yes, this nonsense will be on the ballot this November.  Kill it with your vote!

PS: Click for my videos and podcasts at Canto Talk.

Image: Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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